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I don't have such a strong sense of entitlement that I ever felt that I had been wronged in some fashion.
I’ve never felt “wronged” by anything in particular in this hobby but I’ve heard from others who made it seem that way. I’ve often wondered why they choose the way they do at times but I don’t even think they really know.
I’m not so sure I’d describe that as entitlement or just people who felt let down when they thought they were pretty loyal.
Boat Chips were already set in motion before I joined this hobby, never affected myself in anyway but I know plenty of folks that it did.

They never say much out loud but what you hear in private is a completely different picture.
Blind loyalty? That sounds pretty assumptious and a bit snarky.
I’ve always been one to march to my own beat. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t understand others decision making at times, Not meant to be “snarky.”
I call things how I see them and I’ve never had a problem being called out.
I’ll give anyone a straight answer on any topic that I can speak to my personal involvement with.
I suspect it's more a case of some folks not embracing change easily.
Change is ok if it works for an individual. Changing one’s core beliefs or standards just for the effect of “going along” is garbage in my view.
Stick with what works but be open minded enough to be persuaded, that’s how I roll. It’s also the types I prefer to roll with.
And yeah, not too many in today’s way of thinking in that circle.
To my knowledge, there have been eight different private purchases of GPI chips since 2016. I was directly involved in two of them.

I am willing to answer your questions if possible, although some names may be withheld to protect privacy.
You might not be able to answer this depending on which two buys you were involved in, but are Paulson "aware" of where these chips are really going?

As in, is it just a matter of speaking to the right person that knows what's going on — but is happy to turn a blind eye.
You might not be able to answer this depending on which two buys you were involved in, but are Paulson "aware" of where these chips are really going?

As in, is it just a matter of speaking to the right person that knows what's going on — but is happy to turn a blind eye.
I think this is an excellent question @jr8719, one that I think everyone would love to hear the answer to.

I think @BGinGA should just come out and explain the entire process from start to finish. Not asking for names but if he really wants to be transparent, just go ahead and come out with all of it.

Why make people ask the questions? Just enlighten all of us on the topic based on your involvement.
You’ve got everyone’s attention and we’re all ears.
Well my ears are perked up.
I think the story of the first one would be a great article for the Chipper News Letter!!

Or maybe an interview on the video channel!! Ya up for it @BGinGA ?

Call Lemonhead and spill the beans about SSB and RPC
WHO ran them
Who was the inside guy to get them run
How much is his cut to run another
Who all is getting a cut now from Tigers to make it happen
Who’s the GPI connect to run it
Who on PCF is the gatekeeper to hook it up and make it happen and get a cut ???

I’m sure that’s all conspiracy theories
Surely no one is getting a cut or bonus on commissions impossible if they are paying $3 for 1.30 chips @ cost
Surely no one is getting a cut
According to someone involved with the buy I was in, a particular somebody was getting a gifted set to my understanding. Not sure if that’s a cut or kissing of the ring so to speak.
I’m sure that’s all conspiracy theories
At this point I don’t believe anyone is going to be fully transparent about what really has to happen to make one of these a success.
There may be one person from another place that might give you a straight answer but likely not.

I find it very interesting in my back and forth with @BGinGA today that he brought up not adapting to change.
About 3 years ago @BGinGA, myself and another well respected chipper were having a private discussion about things at Orange and not liking what was being said about it openly on HPF.

I brought up to Dave and the other member who I also greatly respect that there was a rumor going around that Ace was no longer in charge over there and had more or less maybe sold off some of his influence over the site.

This in turn prompted Ace to go public and basically say he was the boss, literally within 15 minutes of me sharing by PM the information that I had heard.

So I don’t know anymore what to believe or what not to believe. Maybe there was a changing of the guard and now Ace does answer to someone else responsible for the change mentioned today?

I will say this though, the hobby, Orange and many of the people around before one person showed up about 4 years ago and turned it all upside down, was a lot more fun then than it is now.
And many many folks will tell you that in private but never say it out loud.

This is all a designed distraction today, it’s not even worth anyone’s time cause you’re never going to get the full truth.

Look forward to seeing everyone in Vegas. I’ve had some serious offers made to me on a couple of my most treasured sets, maybe just maybe some things could be going to a new home by this time next week.
To my knowledge, there have been eight different private purchases of GPI chips since 2016. I was directly involved in two of them.

I am willing to answer your questions if possible, although some names may be withheld to protect privacy.

Can you post the list of the 8 buys and approximately what year they were done.

According to someone involved with the buy I was in, a particular somebody was getting a gifted set to my understanding. Not sure if that’s a cut or kissing of the ring so to speak.

At this point I don’t believe anyone is going to be fully transparent about what really has to happen to make one of these a success.
There may be one person from another place that might give you a straight answer but likely not.

I find it very interesting in my back and forth with @BGinGA today that he brought up not adapting to change.
About 3 years ago @BGinGA, myself and another well respected chipper were having a private discussion about things at Orange and not liking what was being said about it openly on HPF.

I brought up to Dave and the other member who I also greatly respect that there was a rumor going around that Ace was no longer in charge over there and had more or less maybe sold off some of his influence over the site.

This in turn prompted Ace to go public and basically say he was the boss, literally within 15 minutes of me sharing by PM the information that I had heard.

So I don’t know anymore what to believe or what not to believe. Maybe there was a changing of the guard and now Ace does answer to someone else responsible for the change mentioned today?

I will say this though, the hobby, Orange and many of the people around before one person showed up about 4 years ago and turned it all upside down, was a lot more fun then than it is now.
And many many folks will tell you that in private but never say it out loud.

This is all a designed distraction today, it’s not even worth anyone’s time cause you’re never going to get the full truth.

Look forward to seeing everyone in Vegas. I’ve had some serious offers made to me on a couple of my most treasured sets, maybe just maybe some things could be going to a new home by this time next week.

Who In their right mind would buy that interest? GL
My question to @BGinGA is how do we start the next NAGB?
Over and over... same old thing... I spent last weekend in a tight basement full of Tigers. Yes I own a set, yes I got part of it for a discount... great chips! But they are never going to be old school heavy awesoness!

I absolutely love @DuckPlug statement above of "why are those that have many trying to trade them for real chips" the real truth is these "new chips" don't even hold a candle to old school leaded patties. I am in refrence to the chip composition itself. These new Paulsons are not very durable, much softer that old school formulas. Man you get some old school 30 year old paulsons in great shape and 10 years from now with occasional home game usage... they are still going to be in amazing shape. Go ahead and drop one of these new formal chips on the floor.... play 3 games with mint Indiana Grand chips... flea bites, dents and marks. Man I got those 2 racks of Hollywood Fracs RHC stamps a couple months ago and even looking at them, they will almost get flea bites.

Then you get into weight... the Tiger T25s are like 8.2 grams and the T100s are 10 grams... you absolutely can feel the difference between the barrels. Warpage is pretty bad right out of the box on the brand new chips... I guess the old statement of "they just don't make them like they used to!" Has never rang more true for me.

I love my set of Tigers... mostly because I wanted a Hot Stamp tourney set of THCs... but quality control comparisons to the MANY old school racks of Leaded THC hot stamped fracs I own... it's not even close! These new chips are indeed driven by hype and bright colors, but the quality of the product is simply not the same.... has nothing to do with those that get the buys through again because I see the same quality in the Indiana Grands I'm guessing which were made in 2019 since the casino opened in 2020. But it's not like casinos are buying a better grade chip. There are many threads about casinos going for cheaper plastic chips these days... but something that hasn't been mentioned... is it possible that GPIs quality going down hill also a contributing factor? If they are paying for new "top notch" chips that are in constant play vs my little home game set up and seeing the quality is far less than those made years ago. Maybe this could also be a serious deciding factor of the chipping frontier moving forward?

Even on the CPC front... many people complaining about QC issues and lack of consistency between chips. I played a set of CPCs last weekend that had over a 1/2 chip thickness difference between 2 barrels of identical chips. End of the world? No... but also paying what $3 plus for typical spot patterns now. The buyers are expecting a decent product.

Sure "hand made" in general comes with a level of non consistent behavior to be expected.... but all the while Tina is kicking out chips at $.50 each and very very few consistency issues.

In this world of "get the product out as fast as you can and try to turn a profit!" The more and more QC issues are going to occur, all while chip prices continue to increase... I mean absolutely we all want to get Paulson chips at the selling price... that's a no brainer and all of us would say yes if asked to be included at those prices. I guess my real question here is... how much over that cost are these "new chips" really worth over that cost? I guess time will tell.

The truth will always come out... a perfect example would be those Kings Crown Scrown TRKs. Anyone that owned them knows the inconsistencies in thickness to the point that many TRK owners are not interested in owning them at any price and compared to other Scrown TRKs the value has stayed consistently lower for many years now. Call them "poor man TRKs" or whatever you like, once the word is out... it's out! Just like the cards molds that many poured tons of money into, I warned folks that with continual use that they eventually become very slippery and spin like crazy! People started trying to fact check me, wanted "my proof!" Well fuck it! If you don't wanna take someone that owns about every make of chip out there's opinion... figure it out on your own! I really don't care... but I won't be buying anymore of them!

I guess in the coming years those that actually play the new chips and don't just sit them on the shelf, take a picture and then run back to the forums and say "look what I have! I'm cool now right??" To the rest of us that don't have chips that don't see table time... we will see how these things are holding up.

I will say from what I have seen from these new chips... yes they are bright, yes everyone loves them and wants them in play. But for me... I would much rather felt an old leaded set 3 times than the newer chips once! Those old chips will be exactly the same when I put them away. As soon as you play the new chips one time... they already have evidence of play.

A wise chipper once told me "only invest in lead or you are making a bad investment!" and while I enjoy my collection covering many different types and manufacturers of chips... from the "investment" part of that... I think he was pretty spot on!

The non bearded, Black Beard!

TL/DR... well stop acting like you're THAT busy whilst surfing internet forums and just read the damn thing!
Call Lemonhead and spill the beans about SSB and RPC
WHO ran them
Who was the inside guy to get them run
How much is his cut to run another
Who all is getting a cut now from Tigers to make it happen
Who’s the GPI connect to run it
Who on PCF is the gatekeeper to hook it up and make it happen and get a cut ???

I’m sure that’s all conspiracy theories
Surely no one is getting a cut or bonus on commissions impossible if they are paying $3 for 1.30 chips @ cost
Seriously Eric? Even if you had the answer to these questions... not even you would post the answers. Those are not resonable questions to ask...

I was told by a little birdie that Paulson THC hot stamps cost $2.12 each now for 39mm... but then again I was told by my mother that the Earth is FLAT! So in reality... who can we trust if our own mama's are nuts?
Seriously Eric? Even if you had the answer to these questions... not even you would post the answers. Those are not resonable questions to ask...

I was told by a little birdie that Paulson THC hot stamps cost $2.12 each now for 39mm... but then again I was told by my mother that the Earth is FLAT! So in reality... who can we trust if our own mama's are nuts?
Over and over... same old thing... I spent last weekend in a tight basement full of Tigers. Yes I own a set, yes I got part of it for a discount... great chips! But they are never going to be old school heavy awesoness!

I absolutely love @DuckPlug statement above of "why are those that have many trying to trade them for real chips" the real truth is these "new chips" don't even hold a candle to old school leaded patties. I am in refrence to the chip composition itself. These new Paulsons are not very durable, much softer that old school formulas. Man you get some old school 30 year old paulsons in great shape and 10 years from now with occasional home game usage... they are still going to be in amazing shape. Go ahead and drop one of these new formal chips on the floor.... play 3 games with mint Indiana Grand chips... flea bites, dents and marks. Man I got those 2 racks of Hollywood Fracs RHC stamps a couple months ago and even looking at them, they will almost get flea bites.

Then you get into weight... the Tiger T25s are like 8.2 grams and the T100s are 10 grams... you absolutely can feel the difference between the barrels. Warpage is pretty bad right out of the box on the brand new chips... I guess the old statement of "they just don't make them like they used to!" Has never rang more true for me.

I love my set of Tigers... mostly because I wanted a Hot Stamp tourney set of THCs... but quality control comparisons to the MANY old school racks of Leaded THC hot stamped fracs I own... it's not even close! These new chips are indeed driven by hype and bright colors, but the quality of the product is simply not the same.... has nothing to do with those that get the buys through again because I see the same quality in the Indiana Grands I'm guessing which were made in 2019 since the casino opened in 2020. But it's not like casinos are buying a better grade chip. There are many threads about casinos going for cheaper plastic chips these days... but something that hasn't been mentioned... is it possible that GPIs quality going down hill also a contributing factor? If they are paying for new "top notch" chips that are in constant play vs my little home game set up and seeing the quality is far less than those made years ago. Maybe this could also be a serious deciding factor of the chipping frontier moving forward?

Even on the CPC front... many people complaining about QC issues and lack of consistency between chips. I played a set of CPCs last weekend that had over a 1/2 chip thickness difference between 2 barrels of identical chips. End of the world? No... but also paying what $3 plus for typical spot patterns now. The buyers are expecting a decent product.

Sure "hand made" in general comes with a level of non consistent behavior to be expected.... but all the while Tina is kicking out chips at $.50 each and very very few consistency issues.

In this world of "get the product out as fast as you can and try to turn a profit!" The more and more QC issues are going to occur, all while chip prices continue to increase... I mean absolutely we all want to get Paulson chips at the selling price... that's a no brainer and all of us would say yes if asked to be included at those prices. I guess my real question here is... how much over that cost are these "new chips" really worth over that cost? I guess time will tell.

The truth will always come out... a perfect example would be those Kings Crown Scrown TRKs. Anyone that owned them knows the inconsistencies in thickness to the point that many TRK owners are not interested in owning them at any price and compared to other Scrown TRKs the value has stayed consistently lower for many years now. Call them "poor man TRKs" or whatever you like, once the word is out... it's out! Just like the cards molds that many poured tons of money into, I warned folks that with continual use that they eventually become very slippery and spin like crazy! People started trying to fact check me, wanted "my proof!" Well fuck it! If you don't wanna take someone that owns about every make of chip out there's opinion... figure it out on your own! I really don't care... but I won't be buying anymore of them!

I guess in the coming years those that actually play the new chips and don't just sit them on the shelf, take a picture and then run back to the forums and say "look what I have! I'm cool now right??" To the rest of us that don't have chips that don't see table time... we will see how these things are holding up.

I will say from what I have seen from these new chips... yes they are bright, yes everyone loves them and wants them in play. But for me... I would much rather felt an old leaded set 3 times than the newer chips once! Those old chips will be exactly the same when I put them away. As soon as you play the new chips one time... they already have evidence of play.

A wise chipper once told me "only invest in lead or you are making a bad investment!" and while I enjoy my collection covering many different types and manufacturers of chips... from the "investment" part of that... I think he was pretty spot on!

The non bearded, Black Beard!

TL/DR... well stop acting like you're THAT busy whilst surfing internet forums and just read the damn thing!
Yeah I sold my one set of Tiger hot stamp and was fortunate not to lose money on them.

I only have leaded Paulsons and TRKs and two set of CPCs now. And yes... My first set of CPC was more consistent in thickness than my second set that I just received this year. I won't be ordering another set of CPC partly because I like my two fully custom sets very much and also due to the obvious change in quality.
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Seriously Eric? Even if you had the answer to these questions... not even you would post the answers. Those are not resonable questions to ask...

I was told by a little birdie that Paulson THC hot stamps cost $2.12 each now for 39mm... but then again I was told by my mother that the Earth is FLAT! So in reality... who can we trust if our own mama's are nuts?

Did I fkng stutter
This dude rolls in playing like it’s story time and transparency hour but so far it’s fkng crickets.

I wouldn’t need to answer those questions ever cause if I ran one say with Danny I’d make sure we don’t pay any AceHole markup finder fee or any of that BS
It would be straight up we paid 2$ here are 4.50 chips across the board no Ken pricing scam assfuk prices.

Seriously Ken and a few others over there can go fuk themselves with D Mulvenwys dildo. They can all eat shit with their tiger scams and special trades to fuk people out of leaded sets. But hey if they fall for it I guess they deserve it.

The tiger HS chips might be the worst ones.
Unreadable numbers
Terrible fonts
Besides milling for labels they are trash.
Bless their hearts with that junk