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I didn’t comment at first with Dave’s mysterious appearance, but is this not to an exact “T” what he did many years about the Stars?? Crickets and more crickets after he promised to tell all.

The other thing I take issue with is Dave professing nobody was in on the Star buy to profit. I try to get myself to think how he can say such things with even remotely a straight face. As soon as the kitty jumped out of the bag, there were the chosen ones lined up to fleece those that couldn’t wait to throw piles of money at them.

And in terms of the Stars and the profit thing, absolutely ANY TIME someone would even hint at another NAGB being in the works, Dave was there to say it was absolutely NOT possible that it could be pulled off again. How many times has that been proven wrong? Dave is a smart guy, and I think he darn well knew it could be pulled off countless times, as has been shown, but if more people realized that, it would grossly drop the price of the Stars. So, what was the real motive of trying to brainwash the “community” into thinking the buys couldn’t be pulled off? Profit???
I thought Dave's post was a bit odd coming here.... Maybe I misunderstood @BGinGA forthcoming on the questions. Everyone said that there would be no answers but I held out hope anyway just because I am interested in the stories, but alas.. Y'all seem to be right when you said there would be none.
I thought Dave's post was a bit odd coming here.... Maybe I misunderstood @BGinGA forthcoming on the questions. Everyone said that there would be no answers but I held out hope anyway just because I am interested in the stories, but alas.. Y'all seem to be right when you said there would be none.
This is literally what he did at Orange. People were drooling over someone claiming they were going to talk about the situation. Then, crickets. Then there’d be some more hints and teases to get everyone worked up once again, but only those darn crickets could be heard from. Speaking of motive…
I was never in on the organization of an NAGB but was invited into one that was being run by 4 members whom I’d gotten to know pretty well in the community and respected.
People who were invited into this buy were given a list of rules to be followed and asked to respect and abide by them.

We were limited to only being able to purchase a maximum of 1200 chips and were asked that if we decided to sell them that we never sold for more than $3 per chip and preferably to another member also in the buy.

Main reason at the time for such rules was the organizers of this group were NOT HAPPY with how the Star buy went down and didn’t like the flipping that was occurring by the members in the original buy.

I often wondered if the reason this buy ended up failing was possibly because it was sabotaged by some or someone from the Star buy.
I think the biggest mistake made in that process was the 100s of pages of communication that was done by PM on that forum which ultimately should have been done privately in a “What’s App” or similar off forum.

Possibly communicating with a member from another successful buy for advice privately wasn’t such a great idea either.
I caught wind of that communication less than 24 hours after the fact and mentioned it privately to one of the folks in charge of our buy.
They seemed a bit shocked that what had been spoken supposedly in confidence had already gone just about full circle in such a short time.

Yeah hate to say it but these are the typical types you’re going to deal with trying to get something like an NAGB done.
Had the buy gone through, my plan was to sell my chips to the friends I couldn’t get brought in at cost.

It’s funny how folks will let themselves lower their standards for this reason or that reason.
For profit, popularity, FOMO, you name it. They say if you can’t beat them, than you should join them.

No thanks! I’ll just go on being myself.
I didn’t comment at first with Dave’s mysterious appearance, but is this not to an exact “T” what he did many years about the Stars?? Crickets and more crickets after he promised to tell all.

The other thing I take issue with is Dave professing nobody was in on the Star buy to profit. I try to get myself to think how he can say such things with even remotely a straight face. As soon as the kitty jumped out of the bag, there were the chosen ones lined up to fleece those that couldn’t wait to throw piles of money at them.

And in terms of the Stars and the profit thing, absolutely ANY TIME someone would even hint at another NAGB being in the works, Dave was there to say it was absolutely NOT possible that it could be pulled off again. How many times has that been proven wrong? Dave is a smart guy, and I think he darn well knew it could be pulled off countless times, as has been shown, but if more people realized that, it would grossly drop the price of the Stars. So, what was the real motive of trying to brainwash the “community” into thinking the buys couldn’t be pulled off? Profit???
At this point I think I’m more interested in hearing Dave’s version of “Change” and what exactly it is that some folks haven’t seemed to adapt to when it comes to chipping.

I wonder if he means people should adapt to trying to screw people over who don’t know any better? Not for certain but again I’m all ears.
Probably will never get a straight answer on that one either.

At this point I think I’m more interested in hearing Dave’s version of “Change” and what exactly it is that some folks haven’t seemed to adapt to when it comes to chipping.

I wonder if he means people should adapt to trying to screw people over who don’t know any better? Not for certain but again I’m all ears.
Probably will never get a straight answer on that one either.

I'm sure he already got the warning from the wanna be Ace Rothstein! :ROFLMAO:.
I'm sure he already got the warning from the wanna be Ace Rothstein! :ROFLMAO:.
Well, hello. I haven’t been around for a long time and I stumbled upon this thread and after three pages I figured I’d make some comments. Forgive me for anything that was addressed after page 3.

First off I consider Ken one of my chipping friends. Long before I even came home from overseas this guy was looking out for me. He would buy chips that would be for sale when I was sleeping because he knew I was looking. Never asked for anything in return. Solid gold dude. We had many chip deals in the past.

I’ve been able to get out to New York the last couple of years. We had a beer and some lunch talked about all kinds of things. He is a super nice guy then and now.

Do I know anything about the actual price of the chips he had made? No. Did I ask him anything about how he pulled it off? No. I did say I hope there were more coming and left it at that. I mostly like all the chips. Some of my favorite base colors didn’t make any of the versions but they weren’t my chips. People can debate colors and spots forever. I have no issues with that part of the discussion that’s what chippers do.

When I read from certain members here, what amounts to a character assassination, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ll put that guy’s character up against anybody.

So let’s get into it. Does Ken owe anybody in the world a dollar for things he has produced and brought to the market? No. I do know that it takes considerable resources to be able to pull things like this off. Whatever profits he made are 100% his and any man here should understand that from a business perspective. If I were a plumber, do I owe all my friends who have plumbing discounts? No, and it’s a silly whiny argument to make. Personally, the members who have chosen to misrepresent, slander or otherwise discredit Ken can go fuck themselves. You sound like a bunch of bitchy Karens that panties got in a bunch. Yeah that’s how I feel 100%. Grow some nuts.

Best I can tell the guy made chips and offered them to many customers for all the same price. I didn’t receive any deals nor did I ask for any. I know one guy who got a set of hot stamp at a discount. Big fucking deal. Someone mentioned the chip room. I know firsthand that people drive to the warehouse and are able to sort through everything at prices underneath the chip room sales by a magnitude. I can guarantee that because I’m one person who was able to benefit from that one time. What people want to do with their personal assets is 100% theirs to decide. What about the big RPC project? Or anything else by lemon zest? I like how it’s all under the table with different prices depending on who you were. After that deal, I found out some of my best chipping friends were all in on it. Are they still my friends? Yup. Do I care that they were able to profit and I didn’t? Nope. Don’t really care.

I guess you can include me in the group of chippers that jump after the latest fad and mesmerized by the shiny new object. Personally, I don’t give a shit what you think. I liked a lot of them and I bought a lot of them. So there it is folks.
Well, hello. I haven’t been around for a long time and I stumbled upon this thread and after three pages I figured I’d make some comments. Forgive me for anything that was addressed after page 3.

First off I consider Ken one of my chipping friends. Long before I even came home from overseas this guy was looking out for me. He would buy chips that would be for sale when I was sleeping because he knew I was looking. Never asked for anything in return. Solid gold dude. We had many chip deals in the past.

I’ve been able to get out to New York the last couple of years. We had a beer and some lunch talked about all kinds of things. He is a super nice guy then and now.

Do I know anything about the actual price of the chips he had made? No. Did I ask him anything about how he pulled it off? No. I did say I hope there were more coming and left it at that. I mostly like all the chips. Some of my favorite base colors didn’t make any of the versions but they weren’t my chips. People can debate colors and spots forever. I have no issues with that part of the discussion that’s what chippers do.

When I read from certain members here, what amounts to a character assassination, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ll put that guy’s character up against anybody.

So let’s get into it. Does Ken owe anybody in the world a dollar for things he has produced and brought to the market? No. I do know that it takes considerable resources to be able to pull things like this off. Whatever profits he made are 100% his and any man here should understand that from a business perspective. If I were a plumber, do I owe all my friends who have plumbing discounts? No, and it’s a silly whiny argument to make. Personally, the members who have chosen to misrepresent, slander or otherwise discredit Ken can go fuck themselves. You sound like a bunch of bitchy Karens that panties got in a bunch. Yeah that’s how I feel 100%. Grow some nuts.

Best I can tell the guy made chips and offered them to many customers for all the same price. I didn’t receive any deals nor did I ask for any. I know one guy who got a set of hot stamp at a discount. Big fucking deal. Someone mentioned the chip room. I know firsthand that people drive to the warehouse and are able to sort through everything at prices underneath the chip room sales by a magnitude. I can guarantee that because I’m one person who was able to benefit from that one time. What people want to do with their personal assets is 100% theirs to decide. What about the big RPC project? Or anything else by lemon zest? I like how it’s all under the table with different prices depending on who you were. After that deal, I found out some of my best chipping friends were all in on it. Are they still my friends? Yup. Do I care that they were able to profit and I didn’t? Nope. Don’t really care.

I guess you can include me in the group of chippers that jump after the latest fad and mesmerized by the shiny new object. Personally, I don’t give a shit what you think. I liked a lot of them and I bought a lot of them. So there it is folks.

You’ve got a nice spicy zest to ya, and I like it. If we ever meet in person, simmer it down, I’ll bite you. :ROFLMAO: (Jeff & Craig got it comin already)

I don’t know you, I don’t know Ken. Idgaf who makes money, who gives to charity, who makes deals.

However, If I got a call from a Mexican factory right now, and they said I’m free to design a set for 10c a chip, I can promise you that everyone would get sets at 10c a chip (plus shipping haha)

Does that mean anyone who did it any other way is wrong? NOOO!

I also refuse to rake my game. I don’t wanna charge my friends to play poker with me. I’ve also never made a penny selling a chip to a friend. Not one cent.

I’ll just take their money with cards - because I’m better :ninja:
Well, hello. I haven’t been around for a long time and I stumbled upon this thread and after three pages I figured I’d make some comments. Forgive me for anything that was addressed after page 3.

First off I consider Ken one of my chipping friends. Long before I even came home from overseas this guy was looking out for me. He would buy chips that would be for sale when I was sleeping because he knew I was looking. Never asked for anything in return. Solid gold dude. We had many chip deals in the past.

I’ve been able to get out to New York the last couple of years. We had a beer and some lunch talked about all kinds of things. He is a super nice guy then and now.

Do I know anything about the actual price of the chips he had made? No. Did I ask him anything about how he pulled it off? No. I did say I hope there were more coming and left it at that. I mostly like all the chips. Some of my favorite base colors didn’t make any of the versions but they weren’t my chips. People can debate colors and spots forever. I have no issues with that part of the discussion that’s what chippers do.

When I read from certain members here, what amounts to a character assassination, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ll put that guy’s character up against anybody.

So let’s get into it. Does Ken owe anybody in the world a dollar for things he has produced and brought to the market? No. I do know that it takes considerable resources to be able to pull things like this off. Whatever profits he made are 100% his and any man here should understand that from a business perspective. If I were a plumber, do I owe all my friends who have plumbing discounts? No, and it’s a silly whiny argument to make. Personally, the members who have chosen to misrepresent, slander or otherwise discredit Ken can go fuck themselves. You sound like a bunch of bitchy Karens that panties got in a bunch. Yeah that’s how I feel 100%. Grow some nuts.

Best I can tell the guy made chips and offered them to many customers for all the same price. I didn’t receive any deals nor did I ask for any. I know one guy who got a set of hot stamp at a discount. Big fucking deal. Someone mentioned the chip room. I know firsthand that people drive to the warehouse and are able to sort through everything at prices underneath the chip room sales by a magnitude. I can guarantee that because I’m one person who was able to benefit from that one time. What people want to do with their personal assets is 100% theirs to decide. What about the big RPC project? Or anything else by lemon zest? I like how it’s all under the table with different prices depending on who you were. After that deal, I found out some of my best chipping friends were all in on it. Are they still my friends? Yup. Do I care that they were able to profit and I didn’t? Nope. Don’t really care.

I guess you can include me in the group of chippers that jump after the latest fad and mesmerized by the shiny new object. Personally, I don’t give a shit what you think. I liked a lot of them and I bought a lot of them. So there it is folks.
Always good to get an honest and passionate point of view, welcome to the thread Mike. ;) I have to be honest and say that I probably agree with many if not most of the points you make.

I’m happy to read that you’ve got a positive opinion of someone. I’ve also learned recently that this same someone also helped out a very close friend of mine from Virginia with one of his most treasured sets. Reading and hearing about such things is good news.

I think the only place we may disagree is on the NAGB angle of it all. As I’ve mentioned in several posts, I’m just not a fan of them.
I truly wish at this point that Paulson would go back to making and selling their fantasy sets to the public. I think there would be many many happy chippers new and old if this were to ever happen.
I could imagine the only upset people would be the purveyors of NAGBs and maybe the folks who paid these purveyors $14 bucks for a chip that’s profit margin is 100% at $4.
Maybe I’m wrong though. Could make for an interesting topic in a new thread. :unsure:

I’d be willing to bet the quality and the price would be much more favorable to the consumer than what has been available the last several years.
We also wouldn’t have to wait around for Dave to explain to everyone how to get some Paulsons made.
Wouldn’t that be refreshing after all this time?

Anyways, really appreciate the passionate and spirited post. I wish more folks were publicly this honest.
Look forward to splashing pots with you again soon Mike.
Well, hello. I haven’t been around for a long time and I stumbled upon this thread and after three pages I figured I’d make some comments. Forgive me for anything that was addressed after page 3.

First off I consider Ken one of my chipping friends. Long before I even came home from overseas this guy was looking out for me. He would buy chips that would be for sale when I was sleeping because he knew I was looking. Never asked for anything in return. Solid gold dude. We had many chip deals in the past.

I’ve been able to get out to New York the last couple of years. We had a beer and some lunch talked about all kinds of things. He is a super nice guy then and now.

Do I know anything about the actual price of the chips he had made? No. Did I ask him anything about how he pulled it off? No. I did say I hope there were more coming and left it at that. I mostly like all the chips. Some of my favorite base colors didn’t make any of the versions but they weren’t my chips. People can debate colors and spots forever. I have no issues with that part of the discussion that’s what chippers do.

When I read from certain members here, what amounts to a character assassination, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ll put that guy’s character up against anybody.

So let’s get into it. Does Ken owe anybody in the world a dollar for things he has produced and brought to the market? No. I do know that it takes considerable resources to be able to pull things like this off. Whatever profits he made are 100% his and any man here should understand that from a business perspective. If I were a plumber, do I owe all my friends who have plumbing discounts? No, and it’s a silly whiny argument to make. Personally, the members who have chosen to misrepresent, slander or otherwise discredit Ken can go fuck themselves. You sound like a bunch of bitchy Karens that panties got in a bunch. Yeah that’s how I feel 100%. Grow some nuts.

Best I can tell the guy made chips and offered them to many customers for all the same price. I didn’t receive any deals nor did I ask for any. I know one guy who got a set of hot stamp at a discount. Big fucking deal. Someone mentioned the chip room. I know firsthand that people drive to the warehouse and are able to sort through everything at prices underneath the chip room sales by a magnitude. I can guarantee that because I’m one person who was able to benefit from that one time. What people want to do with their personal assets is 100% theirs to decide. What about the big RPC project? Or anything else by lemon zest? I like how it’s all under the table with different prices depending on who you were. After that deal, I found out some of my best chipping friends were all in on it. Are they still my friends? Yup. Do I care that they were able to profit and I didn’t? Nope. Don’t really care.

I guess you can include me in the group of chippers that jump after the latest fad and mesmerized by the shiny new object. Personally, I don’t give a shit what you think. I liked a lot of them and I bought a lot of them. So there it is folks.
Hello @slisk250!! missed ya!
Not sure who slandered the guy. If that's the case and its reported I'd take it down if reported. Like most have said here, I don't care what his margins are on the things, just like I don't care what Exxon's margins are on gasoline or McDonalds margins are on burgers. What I don't like is when someone is asked about their product and they take measures to not be transparent, it speaks to their character. If I were to buy a "luxury" product that claims rarity with no proof of said rarity is my choice and I have no standing to bitch when it shows up in WalMart a year later. In this case, the number was floated to reliable sources that the numbers were over 150,000 produced and racks are sitting in the classifieds now while we see WTT ads that are tigers for leaded racks, (Probably the goal from the beginning). Again, the buyers choice.

I wont even get into the nonsense of personal attacks by the guy on non buyers of the chips. We all bitch about the prices of things in our lives. When butter is 6X and gas is $5 are those who bitch about it whining bitches?

You mention the substantial resources it takes to put this "project" together, well that's a non issue as anyone here could raise the funds to do this project, ANYONE, as its a no risk investment, even if you make to many you can escape un scathed, in fact getting out from under with profit is guaranteed as liquidating to zero chips at 2x profits if you had to WOULD HAPPEN.
Everything I've read on the forums about these and all the other AGB's (no typo) , with few exceptions isn't bitching about the profits made as much as transparency and the denial of what you state folks like Jim do, the secret insiders deals. I would respect at all the one who straight up says I'm doing my friends a favor first the selling the rest. Instead its denied and if called out the name calling and temper tantrum begins, and lets face it, the bulk of what Jim sells is at under a buck and rarely over a few bucks a chip and rarity is counted on as we all know small Indiana or wherever casinos don't have many $500 and $1000 chips much less $10,000 chips and Jim can't just stamp out as many as he wants.

Jim brings chips to market at very affordable prices. Jim makes money, Jim could make way more money if he was much higher priced. It really bothers me that anyone compares what Jim does to what these AGB's do or would attack his character by comparison which is total BS. Jim stands by and watches the secondary market rake in the dough having bypassed his efforts to limit purchase amounts to see that everyone gets a chance to buy his chips. People with multiple accounts hoarding up the good chips, marking them up by huge multipliers and laughing about the scam. Its no wonder his last sale was by auction as like with tiger, he didn't want to provide the method for profiteers he figured he'd get all the money. It astounded me to see tiger claiming that the big prices were to discourage flipping, that just made me laugh.

Its not much different than Tommy crying that he makes no money on his site while charging stupid vendor fees, making people pay "supporting" member fees to sell their shit while boasting on the front page that he has 13.5k members (up 200 in the last month alone :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: ) and that the site is only provided for the "community". Yet the defenses roll in from users on how he's a hero for providing the site. I said from the beginning that "Chipper" would be free to use, free to sell your stuff etc. as the site is $2700 a year to host turn key, and features and plug ins are usually less than 30 or 40 bucks. I'm looking for no praise, but operating with a bit of honesty and integrity, providing a resource for the hobby is more appealing to me than dealing with a company that is less than that.

I applaud your defense of your friend. It's commendable. Thanks for posting! Weather on the sites to hobby or on to make money have the integrity to say it out loud. If it doesn't sound good out loud it sounds way worse in darkness.
I won’t disparage Ken, Mike, but I wouldn’t value your thoughts with someone else’s grain of salt. I wouldn’t be elite enough for that to matter to you, though, would it?
Page 14 and still going strong! Checked all the other posts on the accessible pages under new and this NAGB post is the longest. True chipping forum experience :LOL:

View attachment 9111
In all honesty, I think these are some chips that would be absolutely amazing on a THC mold.

These right here are a set of customs that I just might have to own if they had ever been produced in a IAGB. ( Is A Group Buy )

And let’s start calling that for what it really is going forward at this point.
Honestly, this set right here has just the right amount of “BAM” to get the job done.

We all know the dude that walks into the room that wears so much Phew Phewy smelling perfume that you smell him before you see him.
Everything they end up touching smells like Phew Phewy stinch for days afterwards and you kinda scratch your head and think, is a real guy supposed to smell so Phew Phewy pretty like this? :unsure:

I’m here to say that there is such a thing as just way over the top and these chips are just way about perfect in my opinion.
Put these on a THC mold and see what would happen.
Honestly, it doesn’t have to get any louder than this. ;)
Not a schmooze @rieguy but just about right. Way better than a tiger!
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In all honesty, I think these are some chips that would be absolutely amazing on a THC mold.View attachment 9114View attachment 9115View attachment 9116

These right here are a set of customs that I just might have to own if they had ever been produced in a IAGB. ( Is A Group Buy )

And let’s start calling that for what it really is going forward at this point.
Honestly, this set right here has just the right amount of “BAM” to get the job done.

We all know the dude that walks into the room that wears so much Phew Phewy smelling perfume that you smell him before you see him.
Everything they end up touching smells like Phew Phewy stinch for days afterwards and you kinda scratch your head and think, is a real guy supposed to smell so Phew Phewy pretty like this? :unsure:

I’m here to say that there is such a thing as just way over the top and these chips are just way about perfect in my opinion.
Put these on a THC mold and see what would happen.
Honestly, it doesn’t have to get any louder than this. ;)
Not a schmooze @rieguy but just about right. Way better than a tiger!
Agree with how awesome these chips are. Really wished I lived in the land of freedom when I saw those in play. Maybe one day when I head over for a meetup...
Honestly @rieguy ‘s City of Dawn set pisses me the fuck off……..

The inlay is all like, “look at me, I’m so awesome”

And the colors on each chip is always screaming, “Pretty girls walk like dis”

Fuck Rieguy AND his beautiful chips………………………………..

(Adopt me)
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Thanks y'all. Those chips are pretty f*cking loud :LOL: , but they feel Caribbean to me and fit the vision. I'm short on time or else I'd write more but I just submitted my new CPCs a few weeks ago and they are quite the opposite. Old school Deadwood-style with a red $5, since the latest string of customs since the above (made Sept 2022) w/ CPC all seem to be DG-Peach, DG-Arc Yellow, or DG-Tiger. People who know me know my heart lies with old-school and 414s, 3d14s, etc., and is why my top keeper Paulson sets are the likes of Adolfo's, Lake Elsinore, Claim Stake, etc. Classy but fire lead. I build/make what I love first and foremost, but still, I ultimately just love all chips besides rip-offs. Plastics, CPCs, custom Tina's, hot-stamps, inlays, China Clays, unleaded Paulsons (always said I wanted just one nagb/unleaded set), leaded Paulsons, minty, buttery, used, and so on. Stuff I don't like I make a mental note and go about my day.

That said, it's no coincidence my favorite CPC set and favorite custom Paulson set were made by the same exact person. May not be everyone's style, which is okay, but if it is he's easily the best in the game. I admit the Ken bitching would be way funnier if the chips sucked ass, but then who knows if we even get to half as many pages.

@LouBdub if I can swing AL you'll be choosing the set that's in tow 😘.
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