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profit off the back of the folks that were putting these chips on their credit cards and paying interest because they couldn’t afford them, but fell into the hype and the FOMO.
In all fairness, that’s not on the seller. If someone is going deep into debt (on their CC no less) to buy poker chips. Thats just bad decision making.
And thank you for the kind words in the thread. I know they aren’t for everyone. Hell some of them aren’t even for me, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t put my everything into them during the brief time I had.
I didn’t know you were over here, John. I said some nice stuff about you, but I want to take those things back. I hate you. In this society we live in now, it’s always someone else’s fault. So, I’m blaming you for the horrible decisions your work forced me to make when I bought these damn things.
The main motivating factor is always the same no matter who it has been.
Obviously, the main motivating factor is maximum extraction. You said you didn’t profit off these, so why did you put so much time and effort into them? You obviously made Ken A LOT of money, so why’d you do it?

It’s none of my damn business, and my question is not meant to be provocative, it’s just me wondering why you’d take on such an endeavor.
Agreed, I don’t think Krish had anything to do with this, any more than he did with the RPC, ES, AS, etc. buys which all happened before he arrived on the scene, from my understanding at least. But everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, right? lol.

But who did organize the boat chips ???

I have my theories who holds the keys to access the GPI rep who will slip an order in for the right commissions
Obviously, the main motivating factor is maximum extraction. You said you didn’t profit off these, so why did you put so much time and effort into them? You obviously made Ken A LOT of money, so why’d you do it?

It’s none of my damn business, and my question is not meant to be provocative, it’s just me wondering why you’d take on such an endeavor.
Easy. The main reason is I just truly do love the design process and everything about it when it comes to viewing chips as a usable art. Because that’s exactly what they are to me. And designing Paulsons is like the Super Bowl compared to CPCs (I love the shit of cpc design too though). Sure the casino history is fucking awesome and I do enjoy that aspect too, but for me it’s the art of it all coming together on the felt and maximizing the experience of sitting around a table with your friends (or even enemies) and watching the orchestra of chips and color build through pots in the middle. Whether that’s through new NAGB chips, cpc customs, or through old school real casino sets. They all tell a different story or song when in play.

I also knew these chips would have my name on them forever. Chipping is legitimately a passion for me so it felt like an enormous responsibility that I didn’t take lightly. Design was the only thing I was tasked with. Fucking it up was not an option in my eyes.

No, I was not an investor nor made a single dime from the vendor sale, but to be fair I did ultimately end up selling (and therefore profit) off some of my extra racks I did not end up needing. I ordered too many of some denoms (and not enough of others) as I didn’t want to make a mistake since I knew it was a one time shot.

Also want to say in hindsight, if I’m being completely honest, I was probably just raised too “nice” and probably just a bit of an idiot that I didn’t buy a ton strictly for the purpose of making stacks of cash. I am not extremely monetarily wealthy by any stretch and probably gifted and/or hooked people up with more chips than I sold. Purposely planned ahead tying up my own money to buy chips to hook up a few people up that have been there for me. And if it happened again today, that list would be even longer that I’d want to do it for. Not like that really matters. Because after being so close to ground zero… I’m hard pressed to believe many of the people preaching “no profit” would even have went as far with it as I did.

Loving chips and design will always be my #1 motivator if I ever got the opportunity again in the future… but if being an investor in a buy was ever on the table knowing what I know now I would probably do it…. If I had any money left over after buying personal chips anyways :ROFLMAO:
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Easy. The main reason is I just truly do love the design process and everything about it when it comes to viewing chips as a usable art. Because that’s exactly what they are to me. And designing Paulsons is like the Super Bowl compared to CPCs (I love the shit of cpc design too though). Sure the casino history is fucking awesome and I do enjoy that aspect too, but for me it’s the art of it all coming together on the felt and maximizing the experience of sitting around a table with your friends (or even enemies) and watching the orchestra of chips and color build through pots in the middle. Whether that’s through new NAGB chips, cpc customs, or through old school real casino sets. They all tell a different story or song when in play.

I also knew these chips would have my name on them forever. Chipping is legitimately a passion for me so it felt like an enormous responsibility that I didn’t take lightly. Design was the only thing I was tasked with. Fucking it up was not an option in my eyes.

No, I was not an investor nor made a single dime from the vendor sale, but to be fair I did ultimately end up selling (and therefore profit) off some of my extra racks I did not end up needing. I ordered too many of some denoms (and not enough of others) as I didn’t want to make a mistake since I knew it was a one time shot.

Also want to say in hindsight, if I’m being completely honest, I was probably just raised too “nice” and probably just a bit of an idiot that I didn’t buy a ton strictly for the purpose of making stacks of cash. I am not extremely monetarily wealthy by any stretch and probably gifted and/or hooked people up with more chips than I sold. Purposely planned ahead tying up my own money to buy chips to hook up a few people up that have been there for me. And if it happened again today, that list would be even longer that I’d want to do it for. Not like that really matters. Because after being so close to ground zero… I’m hard pressed to believe many of the people preaching “no profit” would even have went as far with it as I did.

Loving chips and design will always be my #1 motivator if I ever got the opportunity again in the future… but if being an investor in a buy was ever on the table knowing what I know now I would probably do it…. If I had any money left over after buying personal chips anyways :ROFLMAO:
You had me at Hello :)
Easy. The main reason is I just truly do love the design process and everything about it when it comes to viewing chips as a usable art. Because that’s exactly what they are to me. And designing Paulsons is like the Super Bowl compared to CPCs (I love the shit of cpc design too though). Sure the casino history is fucking awesome and I do enjoy that aspect too, but for me it’s the art of it all coming together on the felt and maximizing the experience of sitting around a table with your friends (or even enemies) and watching the orchestra of chips and color build through pots in the middle. Whether that’s through new NAGB chips, cpc customs, or through old school real casino sets. They all tell a different story or song when in play.

I also knew these chips would have my name on them forever. Chipping is legitimately a passion for me so it felt like an enormous responsibility that I didn’t take lightly. Design was the only thing I was tasked with. Fucking it up was not an option in my eyes.

No, I was not an investor nor made a single dime from the vendor sale, but to be fair I did ultimately end up selling (and therefore profit) off some of my extra racks I did not end up needing. I ordered too many of some denoms (and not enough of others) as I didn’t want to make a mistake since I knew it was a one time shot.

Also want to say in hindsight, if I’m being completely honest, I was probably just raised too “nice” and probably just a bit of an idiot that I didn’t buy a ton strictly for the purpose of making stacks of cash. I am not extremely monetarily wealthy by any stretch and probably gifted and/or hooked people up with more chips than I sold. Purposely planned ahead tying up my own money to buy chips to hook up a few people up that have been there for me. And if it happened again today, that list would be even longer that I’d want to do it for. Not like that really matters. Because after being so close to ground zero… I’m hard pressed to believe many of the people preaching “no profit” would even have went as far with it as I did.

Loving chips and design will always be my #1 motivator if I ever got the opportunity again in the future… but if being an investor in a buy was ever on the table knowing what I know now I would probably do it…. If I had any money left over after buying personal chips anyways :ROFLMAO:
Very nice write up, John. I appreciate your perspective.

I couldn’t design a stick figure, but even I would drool over the opportunity to have the Paulson palette. It goes without saying, but your skill is legendary. And my wallet and I loathe you for it.
"Tiger Palace chips and its story from concept, design, production, first wave sale, VIP sale, and who knows what else + effect on poker chip market would make such a fantastic MBA thesis project!"
I agree with this. But don't forget... The Boat chips were a huge coup pulled off against GPI, and they came first.
If you gave a good price to someone thinking it would be appreciated as something they really wanted and they turned around and sold them for more, that would be bull#$@!.
I’ve been given chips for free to help build my HotRod set, and those chips are PRIZED possessions I could easily sell for $$$ on the singles market.

That said, the ones who gave them to me KNOW that I’d never do that, and they also know that if I ever sold my chips, those chips go back home. (I’m never selling my set, those chips are here forever hahaha)

So chippers helping chippers is where I land in this discussion.

As to the OP, @DMack - If I were ever involved in or orchestrated a GPI set, I’d only do it if the entire thing was transparent on price. It’s a real shame that a super small & niche group can’t be honest with one another.

I’ll tell you the exact price of everything I’ve bought or sold, why hide that or inflate it?
………..but if being an investor in a buy was ever on the table knowing what I know now I would probably do it….
And this is what I think has everyone debating, posting, threading, yapping etc.

I have no dog in the fight as far as chips being sold & profits made OR lost. I’m just chippin and enjoying my chips. Tigers are cheap compared to what I’d consider the “good stuff” - so it’s all really just a moot point for me on the GPIGB.

That said…. I think the shadow realms of secrecy are what makes everything weird. Cloaks and daggers cause rumors and spite.
That said…. I think the shadow realms of secrecy are what makes everything weird. Cloaks and daggers cause rumors and spite.
There have been none of those things from me. I’ve told all I know. What I’ve really learned is that people will bitch, complain, and make up their own narrative despite being told otherwise by someone who has not given them any reason ever to believe the information is a lie. Suppose the previous way of doing things is preferred. PMs and different pricing based upon who you are.

I should elaborate too I suppose. The “knowing what I know now” wasn’t in reference to any unique or secret knowledge. It is in reference to the general response. If I am to be made out as a villain despite doing what majority would not… well trust me it’s pretty disheartening and discouraging to experience. Not complaining either. It’s all good. Just trying to be honest with some perspective here so things aren’t more misconstrued than they already are.
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"I don't like Tigers and I just laugh at everyone who buys them, they're all idiots.

But! It's super important for me to tell everyone what I don't like about them, why I don't like the people who created them, why the people who bought them are idiots, etc."

It would appear that some chippers are simply infallible - their chipsets are the best, they would turn down the opportunity to make 6 figures worth of $ just to help people online they don't know, getting a group by through wouldn't take them any effort at all, and to hell with it, even if they could do a NAGB they simply wouldn't just out of respect for the clay.

For "Being Real", it's interesting to see the disassociation here and lack of accountability amongst friends. Seems like rules for thee and not for me is a better tagline.

Personal view: I like the chips. I lost around $5k due to my personal misinterpretation when buying tigers, yet still enjoy the chips and am thankful they came to market - same as I am for any chips.
If it were up to me as Tiger CEO, I wouldn’t do it at all. I don’t have the bandwidth or skills/organization to do it. I’d either have someone else handle the entire thing and simply take my sets at cost, or I would make a thing out of it and do it with my friends. In that scenario we’d prob all order max we could afford, and everyone can do with theirs what they want - hookups, price, etc.
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Second wave chips "Rumors and Spite"
Thanks AI!


There have been none of those things from me. I’ve told all I know. What I’ve really learned is that people will bitch, complain, and make up their own narrative despite being told otherwise by someone who has not given them any reason ever to believe the information is a lie. Suppose the previous way of doing things is preferred. PMs and different pricing based upon who you are.

I should elaborate too I suppose. The “knowing what I know now” wasn’t in reference to any unique or secret knowledge. It is in reference to the general response. If I am to be made out as a villain despite doing what majority would not… well trust me it’s pretty disheartening and discouraging to experience. Not complaining either. It’s all good. Just trying to be honest with some perspective here so things aren’t more misconstrued than they already are.
I hear ya, the cloaks and daggers is mainly the entire GPI group buys being all hush hush. That goes with anything though.

“My car/bike makes X horsepower, and I’m not telling any of you how I did it.”

John you just helped the car win, but from what I assume is you don’t know is how it was tuned, what fuel was used, and the investors aren’t letting you get involved with the business.

You’re basically Ken Miles…. And Mr. Ford ain’t telling the driver how business is done…….

You’re just enjoying the ride and blazing laps, in another man’s car.
I hear ya, the cloaks and daggers is mainly the entire GPI group buys being all hush hush. That goes with anything though.

“My car/bike makes X horsepower, and I’m not telling any of you how I did it.”

John you just helped the car win, but from what I assume is you don’t know is how it was tuned, what fuel was used, and the investors aren’t letting you get involved with the business.

You’re basically Ken Miles…. And Mr. Ford ain’t telling the driver how business is done…….

You’re just enjoying the ride and blazing laps, in another man’s car.
That’s all a pretty fair analogy, Lou. Appreciate that. Only slight correction would be the investors not letting me part. It was never discussed because it was never even on my radar. Ken has been more than generous to me and I’m sure had I brought it up we could have done something there. But like many of you, I had a certain idea of how I always thought I’d handle it and did just that. I can’t say I have any regrets at all. Just a new personal view on that side of things after experiencing it.
That’s all a pretty fair analogy, Lou. Appreciate that. Only slight correction would be the investors not letting me part. It was never discussed because it was never even on my radar. Ken has been more than generous to me and I’m sure had I brought it up we could have done something there. But like many of you, I had a certain idea of how I always thought I’d handle it and did just that. I can’t say I have any regrets at all. Just a new personal view on that side of things after experiencing it.
If it matters…. Ken Miles is the one man in the story that is loved by the real racers…. Shelby and Ford were just dudes with money.
If it matters…. Ken Miles is the one man in the story that is loved by the real racers…. Shelby and Ford were just dudes with money.
It boils down to the maintenance of the FOMO and protection of max profit. That's the part. I know some with these tigers that absolutely cant afford to have them but stretched the limits to buy them and then end up having to sell at a loss or sell at all. An informed choice is one where you know all the facts. The chip was $2 and Ken wont give the true rarity. If the exact numbers produced were revealed I'll bet any set I have the value would change. Now the cloak of a second buy is in the air defended by the claim that they were held back. Which is it? Were they held back? Was there another buy?

I'm hoping in the interview scheduled there will be discussion of all these group buys and the position of Angel on the issue. When I get the requirements of the PR people I guess I'll know if it can or will be discussed. I'm all in on any information I can share from the Casino folks and manufacturers if anything interesting and could care less if in the process anything changes for the future. I want to gain perspective from the supplier on such things if they're willing to comment and I'm sure the viewers this fall will be interested also. I must be a bad investigative reporter discussing the story but, oh well, I'm not really an investigative reporter just a curious hobbyist.

Why don't I own tiger chips? Because I don't value them at their selling price, and I cant make an informed decision. (aside from the fact that I'd have no place to put them!! ;))