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I have absolutely no clue how Ken got the order through, and I have no idea of any details of before, during, or after. I will say this about Ken: Prior to the Tigers, he was about the only person I knew that didn’t flip a thing (that I know of). He was often in the buy/sell market, and he sold at what he acquired for, even knowing he could have sold higher (much higher in certain cases).

I have always had good experiences with Ken (before, during, and after Tigers). I know he priced the chips to extract max value, but honestly, I can’t say I blame him. If this would have happened in “the good old days,” I might think differently, but if Ken would have sold for less, every damn heathen over there would have been scooping up to insta-flip. Personally, I would rather see the money go to Ken than those bottom feeders that do nothing but grab chips to extract every last penny they can from other members.

Really, my only issue in the whole process was what a lot of others have said as well, that some may have felt duped by being led to believe there was a lot less quantity than there really was. It was brilliant business, but I do understand why people debate the “ethics” of that issue.
I have absolutely no clue how Ken got the order through, and I have no idea of any details of before, during, or after. I will say this about Ken: Prior to the Tigers, he was about the only person I knew that didn’t flip a thing (that I know of). He was often in the buy/sell market, and he sold at what he acquired for, even knowing he could have sold higher (much higher in certain cases).

I have always had good experiences with Ken (before, during, and after Tigers). I know he priced the chips to extract max value, but honestly, I can’t say I blame him. If this would have happened in “the good old days,” I might think differently, but if Ken would have sold for less, every damn heathen over there would have been scooping up to insta-flip. Personally, I would rather see the money go to Ken than those bottom feeders that do nothing but grab chips to extract every last penny they can from other members.
Only a handful of people really know the Herculean effort it would take to execute an NAGB successfully. For that reason + awesome design + fronting the cost of (I assume) hundreds of thousands of dollars, he SHOULD extract max value. The "community" did not force him to do this. As I said, the whole process is just brilliant. There should be a movie made titled Ken's Chips.
Only a handful of people really know the Herculean effort it would take to execute an NAGB successfully. For that reason + awesome design + fronting the cost of (I assume) hundreds of thousands of dollars, he SHOULD extract max value. The "community" did not force him to do this. As I said, the whole process is just brilliant. There should be a movie made titled Ken's Chips.
I don’t think it’s Ken or John that got the business side of it done.
It may, could or might have been a silent partner with much bigger finances and connections :unsure:

Oh my chip world……..am I allowed to say that out loud?
I think the two front guys are just that.
How ya like me now? :ROFLMAO:
I don’t think it’s Ken or John that got the business side of it done.
It may, could or might have been a silent partner with much bigger finances and connections :unsure:

Oh my chip world……..am I allowed to say that out loud?
I think the two front guys are just that.
How ya like me now? :ROFLMAO:
Very interesting, Matt. I can only assume you’re referring to the winged one? If it was him that spearheaded everything, why wouldn’t he just hire John and then reap the rewards all himself? Even with his financial standing, I would think it MIGHT be worth his time to do this himself?? I could be WAY off, though.
Very interesting, Matt. I can only assume you’re referring to the winged one? If it was him that spearheaded everything, why wouldn’t he just hire John and then reap the rewards all himself? Even with his financial standing, I would think it MIGHT be worth his time to do this himself?? I could be WAY off, though.
I don’t know or have the answers @DMack, just my Lil ol mind wandering at times.
I have a friend who owns several rental properties and I asked him once if he gets bombbarded with renters calling at all hours for this or that.

His response was no, I have people for that and I focus on the next deal.
People don’t mind a good scam, getting the wool pulled over their eyes or even getting fleeced as long as they don’t have to think too much about it and they like or feel they need to like what’s being offered.

If you can convince a large number of people to think a certain way, they’ll eventually just do your work for you.
That’s truly human nature. Do I need to bring up Vaccines? ;)

I don’t think we’ll ever know the real behind the scenes workings of this project and there for, there will probably always be speculation.
When I see want ads for far more desired leaded old school casino chips for trade from the very one’s hustling the latest and greatest, it just makes my mind wonder lots of things.

This is America still I’m told, I hope it’s still ok to wonder about things.
Maybe I should just go ahead and ask out loud…….
@JeepologyOffroad and @kk405,
Am I just bat shit crazy? :ROFLMAO:

Also, I’ve got one of the best old school leaded sets in all of chipping, I’d never trade it for any other chips.
Curious though and so might be many others, what’s that set worth to you guys in TP? ;)
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I agree with the profits. Stop harping on how he “deserves” the profits. He does. He did a no risk investment and people were willing to pay the price with no question. As for the enormous undertaking??? Really???

“Hello Paulson. Here’s my order. When does it ship”?

Please. He was lucky enough for someone to share the FRIENDLY salesman’s contact and he ordered. There was NO WORK INVOLVED.
And as much as I like and respect jeep, come on was he sweating over the keyboard hammering out the designs for the chips????

The only reason these aren’t done every day is that there are too few who can front the cash, but honestly they should it’s a no brainer.

It’s not a fucking Mona Lisa or a statue of David. It’s a clay chip with a very small and simple 7/8 inch inlay.
Prove me wrong. With facts not assumptions.

Jim Shaffer ships 2-300,000 chips in days. He works.
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I’m certainly tired of people thanking old Ken for bending them over and shoving it in. He had liquid funds from somewhere on a no risk investment. Period. Took no skill. Get me the friendly salesman’s contact and I’ll get as many chips as you want. I’ll front the money. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
Say it out loud @DuckPlug Krish. I think you’re right. Wealthy and business minded. I agree old Ken isn’t smart enough to have those kind of connections. No one would have rallied behind Krish on a nagb so he picked the right faces. He’s the expert in the deal. No fake casino, no fake boat, just a friendly insider. again, if they'll lie to Angel they'll lie to the "Community".

Or wait, it's ok to lie to Angel? To get what you want? So I guess to the question of integrity and honesty? Yes they're (NAGB) all based in dishonesty either to the company or to the "Community" and embarrassed that all it took was the friendly salesman. The Angel salesman is the idiot!! He should have taken all the profits to "Prevent flipping"! :p:D
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Say it out loud @DuckPlug Krish. I think you’re right. Wealthy and business minded. I agree old Ken isn’t smart enough to have those kind of connections. No one would have rallied behind Krish on a nagb so he picked the right faces. He’s the expert in the deal.

I’ll put any genuine historical leaded set over these new lightweight paulsons any day. Oh wait. Now they’re trading the leaded sets away to get the tigers!!! Hahahaha. That’s the best idea ever!!! Wonder where all those casino leaded thc’s are ending up!!!


No one would have rallied behind Krish on a nagb
I think you’re wrong there. They would have bent over and said “Thank You Sir can I Have Another” for the opportunity.
Everyone who lined up would want a deal, too many deals means lost profits.

You get two well known faces, work out a deal with them and go from there.
I’ll put any genuine historical leaded set over these new lightweight paulsons any day. Oh wait. Now they’re trading the leaded sets away to get the tigers!!! Hahahaha. That’s the best idea ever!!! Wonder where all those casino leaded thc’s are ending up!!!


Shouldn’t you be sleeping? I’m only awake cause I gotta be. :ROFLMAO:
Ken didn't and doesn't need Krish whatsoever :LOL:
Agreed, I don’t think Krish had anything to do with this, any more than he did with the RPC, ES, AS, etc. buys which all happened before he arrived on the scene, from my understanding at least. But everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, right? lol.
Agreed, I don’t think Krish had anything to do with this, any more than he did with the RPC, ES, AS, etc. buys which all happened before he arrived on the scene, from my understanding at least. But everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, right? lol.
LOVE A GOOD CONSPIRACY!!! Krish has RPC's before anyone. Krish fades out before the Tigers and resurfaces with a stack of tigers and disappears again. Maybe a co incidence.. :ROFLMAO:

PS I have no beef with Krish either and I'm not saying it's a bad thing if he was involved.
And it looks even worse, if the guy is well off and a brilliant financial man to profit off the back of the folks that were putting these chips on their credit cards and paying interest because they couldn’t afford them, but fell into the hype and the FOMO.
And to say chipping has a status is nerd talk in itself lol @upNdown
So much of the hobby revolves around perceived status - everybody's trying to get to the top with the best of this and the most of that. Nerd talk? Yeah, if you buy into it.
But other chips are less expensive, and they're not even leaded! There's no history!
But these were made by John.
My opinion here: He is a genius at chip design. Most casino's chip design is an afterthought at best, and it shows.
Tiger chips are bright, beautiful, and well though out in regards to one chip complementing the others and spot progression.
You're allowed to like them for any reasons you want. But you won't convince me that having john as designer is comparable to the history of casino chips or to leadedness.
They are bright for sure. The rest is subjective. But I'd argue that the majority of their appeal is simply that they're bootleg mint THCs.
Also for the record - I’ve had A LOT of people reach out to me (before and after tigers) about designing their NAGB attempt. Before I take on a job I always ask what their primary motivation is so that I can answer their questions best though that lens.

The main motivating factor is always the same no matter who it has been.

As a side note - it’s quite obvious I value leaded chips like the rest of you. I have made some nice trades for lead and truly appreciate every single one of them. That said, luckily I had the foresight (or degeneracy) to buy so many for myself otherwise I likely would not have traded and killed my breakdowns. I still think and always will think there is room for both old and new chips. Only a matter of time before clay is all but extinct for us all. To think otherwise is short sighted.

And thank you for the kind words in the thread. I know they aren’t for everyone. Hell some of them aren’t even for me, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t put my everything into them during the brief time I had.
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