$2 leaded TRK’s?

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no more than $3

charged 8-18 a chip
5.50-$15* (1 chip was $15 and certainly most were not that or close) but yeah I get your point still and agree. The market decides.

To each their own, if you like the price of a set or a chip then buy it. If you don’t like the price, don’t buy it. But thinking or actually knowing what a seller paid for the chips has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING ON THEIR VALUE.
Nailed it. Very much agree.

Also the market is in a VERY different place than it was when tigers dropped. To think otherwise is naive. Hence most chips sitting. And to compare pricing to them is also a poor analysis.

That said, these were certainly not $2 TRKs in any market lol. Clean and simple inlay with a red denom. Classic 414. Beautiful set.
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I find it truly interesting how some folks over at orange were instantly after low balling the seller of the starlite casino chips, damn near mint condition and leaded for sure TRK’s all well over 10g some pushing 12g, with a classy yet simple spot design, good colors, a red denomination, which for some seems a requirement.

Once they got what they assumed the successful buyer paid also began with their price manipulation routine including Ken kk405, who in the “have we reached saturation” thread there defended chip pricing in general, (naturally) busy stating that mid range chip pricing is fair at 4-7 or more dollars. But classic 30 year old TRK’s are worth $3, so laughable.

So hypocritical of a few folks, especially from a guy who paid no more than $3 for some lightweight Paulsons, chips that only weighed in from 7.7g to around 9ish and charged 8-18 a chip preaching about profit in one thread and knowing or thinking they know what someone paid has to do with selling price.

Shit this guy wouldn’t speak to cost or even the number of chips he had made!! Specifically to try and protect his gouging prices of said Paulsons, which I now see either sitting in the classifieds or the buyers selling at a loss or below “Ken pricing” which I believe is an adverse term not a “good thing”.

To each their own, if you like the price of a set or a chip then buy it. If you don’t like the price, don’t buy it. But thinking or actually knowing what a seller paid for the chips has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING ON THEIR VALUE. If it did Jim Shaffer would be hanging in the town square, or the scammers who bought TCR chips well beyond Jim’s limits by using multiple accounts or surrogate buyers to hoard up the pinks, the blaze, the yellow for the sole purpose of marking them up for extreme profit to fleece the “community” and buyers gladly paying the markup knowing what happened.

Ken profited handsomely on the lightweight tiger chips and people clamored to pay him even praising and thanking him for fleecing them.

Jim pays Pennys and turns dollars. Good for him. That’s his business.

I don’t get it sometimes. I guess that’s the chip world. I’m so glad I’m after so few things.
For full transparency, I wrote over on orange that, me personally, I would be a buyer at a price around $3/chip. That said, I absolutely understand the point you're trying to make above.

I've never owned any TRKs - maybe I honestly just don't know what I'm missing out on (which might be a good thing for my wallet). There are chips out there that others have spent large sums of money on that I wouldn't spend any money on and vice versa. So in that sense, if I have a chance to get my hands on a set of TRKs for the first time, I'll be very happy. However, if there are people willing to spend more than me to get that same set of TRKs, that's 100% fine with me.

Frankly, I don't know what most chips are worth these days. As Jeep mentioned above, the chip market today is vastly different than it was even 10 months ago.

In any case, what we can all agree on (hopefully) is that a score like this would be a dream for any chipper and that more chips in the market is always a good thing for this hobby. And so to that I say an honest "congratulations" and "good luck" with the sales.
I believe I was the one who initially suggested (and I quote) that "somewhere around $2-$3/chip would get these sold quickly, if that's what he's going for."

However, it seems that idea was BADLY misinterpreted by many people as suggesting that these chips would only be worth that much, or only ever sell for that much.

My point was (and still is) that if you have 17,000 chips and you want to sell them all at once and quickly, you will almost certainly have to leave some value on the table. Any reasonable person would agree there's a big difference between selling a huge lot of chips with no particular breakdown, and selling multiple smaller and tightly-curated sets of chips. That is almost by definition the difference between wholesale and retail pricing, for any product or commodity.

The guy who started that thread said he was looking for pricing help for the actual seller, so they could sell all of the chips to one buyer, and quickly, so I made the suggestion that $2-$3 per chip would achieve THAT GOAL -- I never said the chips were only worth $2-$3 each.

I would also point out that the actual deal price (if my information is correct) was exactly in that range -- $2.65/chip or thereabouts. So if you think I'm an asshole because you think I said "spotted TRKs in great condition are only worth $2/chip" you can GFY.

(edited for clarity and typos)
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I believe I was the one who initially suggested (and I quote) that "somewhere around $2-$3/chip would get these sold quickly, if that's what he's going for."

However, it seems that idea was BADLY misinterpreted by many people as suggesting that these chips would only be worth that much, or only ever sell for that much.

My point was (and still is) that if you have 17,000 chips and you want to sell them all at once and quickly, you will almost certainly have to leave some value on the table. Any reasonable person would agree there's a big difference between selling a huge lot of chips with no particular breakdown, and selling multiple smaller and tightly-curated sets of chips. That is almost by definition the difference between wholesale and retail pricing, for any product or commodity.

The guy who started that thread said he was looking for pricing help for the actual seller, so they could sell all of the chips to one buyer, and quickly, so I made the suggestion that $2-$3 per chip would achieve THAT GOAL -- I never said the chips were only worth $2-$3 each.

I would also point out that the actual deal price (if my information is correct) was exactly in that range -- $2.65/chip or thereabouts. So if you think I'm an asshole because you think I said "spotted TRKs in great condition are only worth $2/chip" you can GFY.

(edited for clarity and typos)
I hope you don’t think I referred to you in any way Chris. There’s but a few of us who know the big picture and these chips (Trk) are just a part of the big picture. I guess I could also clarify that in pm I was also told “we’ll I know you paid less than $3”

Hahaha. What I paid is irrelevant. 100%
And I agree. When selling 18000 chips you have to settle in to sell the lot. I realize not everyone can float that kind of buy. I’ve never been a price gouger. And won’t be. But market is market on leaded 10-12 TRK’s. And all the discussion of selling would assume that they were for sale also. Maybe a small portion of them.

It’s hard not to sound a bit bitter when typing but lately a lot of chippers feel a finder owes the “community” chips and then come at ya with oh I’d never pay $x.xx a chip knowing what you paid for them. It’s also hard not to swing the hammer to that kind of person but hey, my names not Tommy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hope you don’t think I referred to you in any way Chris.
Nope, not at all. I'm probably being overly defensive, but if the whole $2-$3/chip idea didn't stem from my post in the Wheeler Assembly thread about pricing, then I don't know where it came from. It just snowballed from my post, in which I was trying sincerely to be helpful, but perhaps wasn't particularly clear about the context I was addressing. If anyone started that thread at the bottom and wondered where that price point had come from, they'd perhaps scroll up to the beginning, see my post was the first to mention it, and (wrongly) assume things about what I was saying. And trying to correct that later on in such a thread is just shouting in the wind.
Nope, not at all. I'm probably being overly defensive, but if the whole $2-$3/chip idea didn't stem from my post in the Wheeler Assembly thread about pricing, then I don't know where it came from. It just snowballed from my post, in which I was trying sincerely to be helpful, but perhaps wasn't particularly clear about the context I was addressing. If anyone started that thread at the bottom and wondered where that price point had come from, they'd perhaps scroll up to the beginning, see my post was the first to mention it, and (wrongly) assume things about what I was saying. And trying to correct that later on in such a thread is just shouting in the wind.
I got it. And you’re a friend!
They're very nice, I LIKE!



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I don't think I read this whole thread until just now. Anyway one thing that came up that I can attest to: TRK's are tough bitches to murder. This question was raised:
They are as bad or worse to relabel as BCC
I can not attest to murdering BCC chips as I have never done that, but I have murdered about 35k Paulson THC's and RHC's not and probably around 1000 or so of those have been older Paper THC's and exactly 1 TRK scrown chip and it was a total nighmare. If you think you are going to murder these, think again. You are extremely unlikely to be successful with this. I didn't even bother to time it, but I can assure that unless someone comes up with some solvent that dissolves the adhesive without turning the paper into a big mess of sticky goop they are pretty much a "No Go" on the murder scale. As a rough estimate, I would say they are going to take at least 5x the amount of time as a normal RHC or newer THC type of chip like any of the nagb chips. I don't feel one bit of remorse for murdering it for many reasons, but among them is that it was pretty poor condition anyway. Each pic was taken after soaking in 70% isopropyl alcohol for a minimum of 10 minutes and probably at least 30 seconds to 1 minute worth of scraping. I never want to do another. Here are a few pics of how it went:

I don't think I read this whole thread until just now. Anyway one thing that came up that I can attest to: TRK's are tough bitches to murder. This question was raised:

I can not attest to murdering BCC chips as I have never done that, but I have murdered about 35k Paulson THC's and RHC's not and probably around 1000 or so of those have been older Paper THC's and exactly 1 TRK scrown chip and it was a total nighmare. If you think you are going to murder these, think again. You are extremely unlikely to be successful with this. I didn't even bother to time it, but I can assure that unless someone comes up with some solvent that dissolves the adhesive without turning the paper into a big mess of sticky goop they are pretty much a "No Go" on the murder scale. As a rough estimate, I would say they are going to take at least 5x the amount of time as a normal RHC or newer THC type of chip like any of the nagb chips. I don't feel one bit of remorse for murdering it for many reasons, but among them is that it was pretty poor condition anyway. Each pic was taken after soaking in 70% isopropyl alcohol for a minimum of 10 minutes and probably at least 30 seconds to 1 minute worth of scraping. I never want to do another. Here are a few pics of how it went:

Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF
I don't think I read this whole thread until just now. Anyway one thing that came up that I can attest to: TRK's are tough bitches to murder. This question was raised:

I can not attest to murdering BCC chips as I have never done that, but I have murdered about 35k Paulson THC's and RHC's not and probably around 1000 or so of those have been older Paper THC's and exactly 1 TRK scrown chip and it was a total nighmare. If you think you are going to murder these, think again. You are extremely unlikely to be successful with this. I didn't even bother to time it, but I can assure that unless someone comes up with some solvent that dissolves the adhesive without turning the paper into a big mess of sticky goop they are pretty much a "No Go" on the murder scale. As a rough estimate, I would say they are going to take at least 5x the amount of time as a normal RHC or newer THC type of chip like any of the nagb chips. I don't feel one bit of remorse for murdering it for many reasons, but among them is that it was pretty poor condition anyway. Each pic was taken after soaking in 70% isopropyl alcohol for a minimum of 10 minutes and probably at least 30 seconds to 1 minute worth of scraping. I never want to do another. Here are a few pics of how it went:

Those look like real dirty bitch’s of a chip!!
I got a few of these with a simple soak in a toxic agent with the chemical sign of h2o. Rubbed the paper down to just the smooth surface of the glue that remained. No time at all. I didn’t feel the need to get all the way to the clay, just to the surface that the label would adhere to completely as your not gonna see it anyway.

Hope that helps. I tried paper and linen inlays with chemicals and a friend told me I was wasting my time and only harming the chip, I doubted till I tried. These were easier than most and some were harder for sure.

Label by gear with a different target chip used so the label is a tad small but adheres to the chip awesomely.

Now realize I went quick. If you soaked in warm water longer it does break the glue down further.