Yanked and appreciated from Quad Johnson.
General Rules To Mapping Out A Cash Set
1. Plan your chip set around 10 players per table. A full table is 10 players, you may only run 7-8 normally but I'm a big believer in being prepared. Someone might bring a friend and who wants to turn down action? I don't! The extra chips will also provide you cushion with your set.
2. Only have denominations that are 4-5x the value of the previous denomination. This one is very important. I know some of y'all have guys that like a bunch of different chips. I read one post in my forum searches where a guy runs $1/$2/$3 and $5 chips all in one game. This is such a waste of chips and only makes cash outs at the end of the night more of a headache. Follow the KISS mantra - Keep It Simple Stupid. You as the host are also the banker. Make your job easier and save money on chip sets by keeping the denominations simple. When I started my game, my 25c/50c game had denoms of 25c/50c/$1/$5/$10/$25/$50/$100... don't do this. Don't be that guy. It's a waste of chips and thus, a waste of money on your initial investment.
3. Plan the chip set around a starting stack of 200 big blinds. The max buy in of my 25c/50c game is $100. Not everyone does this, but some nights everyone does. Your game might not be at that point, but if you want your game to last, you'll need to be prepared to handle growth. Some players are more gamblers than others. Be prepared and have the chips at your disposal. Having the chips will only add more flexibility to your capabilities to host.
Mapping Out A Chip Set For 1 Table Of 10 Players
The following chip counts are meant to be a guide to efficiently map out a chip set, thus saving you money on your total chip purchase. I will cover each stake from 5c/10c to $5/$10. There is great debate over using a $20 or $25 chip. I've mapped this guide out to be as efficient as possible based on the stakes. Some use $20, others $25. You may like different stacks sizes too. Example, my guys like big stacks for my 25c/50c game. My mapping is $100 stacks of 12/17/16 of 25c/$1/$5 chips respectively.
This is meant to be a general guide to help get you started and thinking in the process you need to map out your chip set efficiently. These set guides are written with the considerations of: most places when you order chips require you to order in increments of 25 and I'm not using "odd" denominations that are hard to find, example: a $2.50 chip. They're useful, however a bit harder to track down. These will use the easier to find denominations.
Now, let's get started. These map outs will provide you with 10x starting playable stacks with enough in higher denomination chips to cover color ups, top offs and rebuys with a total bank averaging 3x 200 big blind buy ins per player at the table (600 big blinds total x 10 players). Sure, this might not happen all the time... but when it does, you'll be glad you have the chips.
My motto is always buy once, cry once.
5c/10c Mapping - $20 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x 5c (50c)
18x 25c ($4.50)
15x $1 ($15)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 5c ($5)
200x 25c ($50)
150x $1 ($150)
25x $5 ($125)
25x $20 ($500)
Total Bank: $830
10c/25c Mapping - $50 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x 5c (50c)
14x 25c ($3.50)
11x $1 ($11)
7x $5 ($35)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 5c ($5)
150x 25c ($37.50)
125x $1 ($125)
75x $5 ($375)
50x $25 ($1,250)
Total Bank: $1,792.50
25c/50c Mapping - $100 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
8x 25c ($2)
18x $1 ($18)
16x $5 ($80)
Chips Needed - 600 Total Chips
100x 25c ($25)
250x $1 ($250)
175x $5 ($875)
75x $25 ($1,875)
Total Bank: $3,025
50c/$1 Mapping - $200 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
8x 25c ($2)
8x $1 ($8)
13x $5 ($65)
5x $25 ($125)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 25c ($25)
100x $1 ($100)
150x $5 ($150)
50x $25 ($1,250)
50x $100 ($5,000)
Total Bank: $6,525
$1/$2 Mapping - $400 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x $1 ($10)
18X $5 ($90)
8x $25 ($200)
1x $100 ($100)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x $1 ($100)
200x $5 ($1000)
100x $25 ($2,500)
100x $100 ($10,000)
Total Bank: $13,600
$2/$5 Mapping - $1,000 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
5x $1 ($5)
14x $5 ($70)
13x $25 ($325)
1x $100 ($100)
1x $500 ($500)
Chips Needed - 750 Total Chips
50x $1 ($50)
300x $5 ($1,500)
275x $25 ($6,875)
100x $100 ($10,000)
25x $500 ($12,500)
Total Bank: $30,925
$5/$10 Mapping - $2,000 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x $5 ($50)
10x $25 ($250)
7x $100 ($700)
2x $500 ($1000)
Chips Needed - 375 Total Chips
100x $5 ($500)
100x $25 ($2,500)
75x $100 ($7,500)
100x $500 ($50,000)
Total Bank: $60,500
Well that's what I got. If you grow to 2 tables, simply x2 these chips sets and you're covered.
If anyone notices any typos, bad math on my part, etc. please post and I will make changes.
I've proof read this 4 times but I'm still only human.
General Rules To Mapping Out A Cash Set
1. Plan your chip set around 10 players per table. A full table is 10 players, you may only run 7-8 normally but I'm a big believer in being prepared. Someone might bring a friend and who wants to turn down action? I don't! The extra chips will also provide you cushion with your set.
2. Only have denominations that are 4-5x the value of the previous denomination. This one is very important. I know some of y'all have guys that like a bunch of different chips. I read one post in my forum searches where a guy runs $1/$2/$3 and $5 chips all in one game. This is such a waste of chips and only makes cash outs at the end of the night more of a headache. Follow the KISS mantra - Keep It Simple Stupid. You as the host are also the banker. Make your job easier and save money on chip sets by keeping the denominations simple. When I started my game, my 25c/50c game had denoms of 25c/50c/$1/$5/$10/$25/$50/$100... don't do this. Don't be that guy. It's a waste of chips and thus, a waste of money on your initial investment.
3. Plan the chip set around a starting stack of 200 big blinds. The max buy in of my 25c/50c game is $100. Not everyone does this, but some nights everyone does. Your game might not be at that point, but if you want your game to last, you'll need to be prepared to handle growth. Some players are more gamblers than others. Be prepared and have the chips at your disposal. Having the chips will only add more flexibility to your capabilities to host.
Mapping Out A Chip Set For 1 Table Of 10 Players
The following chip counts are meant to be a guide to efficiently map out a chip set, thus saving you money on your total chip purchase. I will cover each stake from 5c/10c to $5/$10. There is great debate over using a $20 or $25 chip. I've mapped this guide out to be as efficient as possible based on the stakes. Some use $20, others $25. You may like different stacks sizes too. Example, my guys like big stacks for my 25c/50c game. My mapping is $100 stacks of 12/17/16 of 25c/$1/$5 chips respectively.
This is meant to be a general guide to help get you started and thinking in the process you need to map out your chip set efficiently. These set guides are written with the considerations of: most places when you order chips require you to order in increments of 25 and I'm not using "odd" denominations that are hard to find, example: a $2.50 chip. They're useful, however a bit harder to track down. These will use the easier to find denominations.
Now, let's get started. These map outs will provide you with 10x starting playable stacks with enough in higher denomination chips to cover color ups, top offs and rebuys with a total bank averaging 3x 200 big blind buy ins per player at the table (600 big blinds total x 10 players). Sure, this might not happen all the time... but when it does, you'll be glad you have the chips.
My motto is always buy once, cry once.
5c/10c Mapping - $20 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x 5c (50c)
18x 25c ($4.50)
15x $1 ($15)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 5c ($5)
200x 25c ($50)
150x $1 ($150)
25x $5 ($125)
25x $20 ($500)
Total Bank: $830
10c/25c Mapping - $50 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x 5c (50c)
14x 25c ($3.50)
11x $1 ($11)
7x $5 ($35)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 5c ($5)
150x 25c ($37.50)
125x $1 ($125)
75x $5 ($375)
50x $25 ($1,250)
Total Bank: $1,792.50
25c/50c Mapping - $100 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
8x 25c ($2)
18x $1 ($18)
16x $5 ($80)
Chips Needed - 600 Total Chips
100x 25c ($25)
250x $1 ($250)
175x $5 ($875)
75x $25 ($1,875)
Total Bank: $3,025
50c/$1 Mapping - $200 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
8x 25c ($2)
8x $1 ($8)
13x $5 ($65)
5x $25 ($125)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x 25c ($25)
100x $1 ($100)
150x $5 ($150)
50x $25 ($1,250)
50x $100 ($5,000)
Total Bank: $6,525
$1/$2 Mapping - $400 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x $1 ($10)
18X $5 ($90)
8x $25 ($200)
1x $100 ($100)
Chips Needed - 500 Total Chips
100x $1 ($100)
200x $5 ($1000)
100x $25 ($2,500)
100x $100 ($10,000)
Total Bank: $13,600
$2/$5 Mapping - $1,000 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
5x $1 ($5)
14x $5 ($70)
13x $25 ($325)
1x $100 ($100)
1x $500 ($500)
Chips Needed - 750 Total Chips
50x $1 ($50)
300x $5 ($1,500)
275x $25 ($6,875)
100x $100 ($10,000)
25x $500 ($12,500)
Total Bank: $30,925
$5/$10 Mapping - $2,000 Max Buy In for 200 Big Blinds
Chip Denominations
Max Buy In Starting Stacks
10x $5 ($50)
10x $25 ($250)
7x $100 ($700)
2x $500 ($1000)
Chips Needed - 375 Total Chips
100x $5 ($500)
100x $25 ($2,500)
75x $100 ($7,500)
100x $500 ($50,000)
Total Bank: $60,500
Well that's what I got. If you grow to 2 tables, simply x2 these chips sets and you're covered.
If anyone notices any typos, bad math on my part, etc. please post and I will make changes.
I've proof read this 4 times but I'm still only human.