Himewad was kind enough to sell me a sample set of his Cap Dash chips. I'm very critical of poker chips, analyzing how they feel, stack, appearance, etc.
I can now offer my opinion these Cap Dash chips:
They have the best "grip" and feel compared to the no-mold textured and Greek mold chips offered by "Tina". When I say grip, I mean not slippery. Sadly, the new Greek mold chips are slippery. I don't know why. They are textured as are the Cap Dash and they have a slightly larger rim past the inlay area. Yet they are more slippery. That may be peculiar to the mold itself.
My textured no-mold Tinas have about the same grip as the Cap Dash. I've always liked the Scrown mold so these Cap Dash chips with all of their positives and reasonable price are to me the best "value" chip out there.
I'm hoping to get in on the next group buy of these.
I can now offer my opinion these Cap Dash chips:
They have the best "grip" and feel compared to the no-mold textured and Greek mold chips offered by "Tina". When I say grip, I mean not slippery. Sadly, the new Greek mold chips are slippery. I don't know why. They are textured as are the Cap Dash and they have a slightly larger rim past the inlay area. Yet they are more slippery. That may be peculiar to the mold itself.
My textured no-mold Tinas have about the same grip as the Cap Dash. I've always liked the Scrown mold so these Cap Dash chips with all of their positives and reasonable price are to me the best "value" chip out there.

I'm hoping to get in on the next group buy of these.