Breaking: David Spragg "Were bringing Sets and Singles collectors together". Like This????

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I know the moderation %$@*$ at the other site would never actually allow a real discussion like this to take place, but I really wonder what the crowd over there would think if they heard this clown bash on his clientele like this. I have no idea who his other customers are, and maybe he doesn’t need PCFers as clients, but that is extremely doubtful after reading his pathetic plea for business. I’m guessing Spraggy wouldn’t think the set collectors were that much rubbish when they quit buying his rubbish.

I think they would allow it, but hard to ever have a real discussion between shit-posting and vitriol (both of which could give moderation an excuse to nuke it), although I'm guilty of the former myself. I guess that's a big difference between set collectors who seem to not take things too seriously and these singles-only guys with meetings like this, which is wild to me to have. Different strokes though; I won't judge a weird hobby too much from my weird hobby. Still, I think I can judge the, simply put, wrong claims and the disdain they are seemingly said with.

He definitely needs PCFers as clients. I am one of them. I love the set I got and am going to grab another one, regardless of these absurd clips since this aspect is strictly business to me. But it certainly leaves a bad taste in my mouth on a personal level.
One of my favorite (and most expensive) racks I have in a set was purchased from a "singles" collector. I’d wager a lot of these guys with disdain for sets have racks on racks just like us set collectors… their motive and transparency in doing so is just different.
I know the moderation %$@*$ at the other site would never actually allow a real discussion like this to take place, but I really wonder what the crowd over there would think if they heard this clown bash on his clientele like this. I have no idea who his other customers are, and maybe he doesn’t need PCFers as clients, but that is extremely doubtful after reading his pathetic plea for business. I’m guessing Spraggy wouldn’t think the set collectors were that much rubbish when they quit buying his rubbish.
I am 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
I think they would allow it, but hard to ever have a real discussion between shit-posting and vitriol (both of which could give moderation an excuse to nuke it), although I'm guilty of the former myself. I guess that's a big difference between set collectors who seem to not take things too seriously and these singles-only guys with meetings like this, which is wild to me to have. Different strokes though; I won't judge a weird hobby too much from my weird hobby. Still, I think I can judge the, simply put, wrong claims and the disdain they are seemingly said with.

He definitely needs PCFers as clients. I am one of them. I love the set I got and am going to grab another one, regardless of these absurd clips since this aspect is strictly business to me. But it certainly leaves a bad taste in my mouth on a personal level.
You’re right, it is tough to have any kind of real discussion over there. Between those that want to play comedian, and then the usual crew that piles on at the mere mention of something that goes against what they think, the thread would be nuked in no time. It would be an easy out for the moderators. No way Tommy wants real discussion of one of his vendors.
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One of my favorite (and most expensive) racks I have in a set was purchased from a "singles" collector. I’d wager a lot of these guys with disdain for sets have racks on racks just like us set collectors… their motive and transparency in doing so is just different.
There’s no doubt about this at all. They want their hoards unknown for more “nefarious” (profitable) reasons. I know a few of them had absolutely no problem selling more than a chip at a time when a winged creature held money in front of them.
You’re right, it is tough to have any kind of real discussion over there. Between those that want to play comedian, and then the usual crew that piles on at the mere mention of something that goes against what they think, the thread would be nuked in no time. It would be an easy out for the moderators. No way Tommy wants real discussion of one of his vendors.
I put this thread up knowing 99.9% I wont be back there.... But because some asked I reached out. Its all good. I also put it up so there was no twisted version of the event. I've learned with Tommy and a few others there that you need to keep receipts. Never ask questions you don't have the answers to, and if you make an accusation you best come with evidence or you're the liar. I am confident that I did nothing wrong at PCF and I am also confident that he cannot show any evidence that I did or he would have stated it. I hold the opinion that he was jealous that someone started a similar site and that he was afraid that someone might come or maybe even a vendor and cut him out of his piece. or maybe get cut out of his piece of another beloved NAGB. who knows. If you have any of this Thomas lets see it. I'm waiting. Oh and where's the balance of my unused vendor fee and supporting plus fee. Who conned who?

He never explained the ACTUAL reason he banned me and when pressed he just added statements that I was a liar and a con man, that it was a shame to my career in Law enforcement that someone like me had that job. I have the emails. i keep receipts on those types of people. He also added that many users reported me for lying and conning them, not sure out of or about what but I welcome PUBLICLY any evidence that supports 1. the reports. 2. who reported them and/or whether there was any evidence of wrong doing or just a baseless claim. I was pissed at first and simply let it go then.

I think we all know that the reason was plain and simple and now the mere reference of me or the site, I now learned that even my site is banned at PCF, will bring his immediate usual dictator messages. He is free to operate his site as he pleases as am I here.

I appreciate every single member here, I wish there were more posts but I know how it is juggling social media sites, I'm here for the long haul and I'm sure it will grow and be just fine. It doesn't cost that much to provide a chipping site for the members of all aspects of the hobby so Its free here, I wont tell ask for money from anyone or tell you how expensive it is to provide the site because its not that expensive. I don't ask for vendor fees as its no additional cost to provide an area. I wont tell you that you have to pay me if you go harvest and sell your chips in the classifieds, its a free area and I charge no fees for it or demand any "cut". Lets be real, PCF was the only place other than ebay or the like and he didn't really have to curate it much as when your the only show in town that's how it is. You wont see any cross PMs from the admin here if you mention PCF.

See nothing happened.... PCF PCF PCF

Chipper is no competition to him. Its just different and its just free. Lets just have some fun. Nothing scary here,

Thanks Boys and girls.....
Unity.... ok forgot that..... All the talk of unity, I'm told that when the CCA guys asked ol Tommy to meet with them via zoom call to discuss uniting the hobby he was to busy. Too busy. Good thing a few members stepped up and will talk to them in an effort to better relations hobby wide after all were all chip collectors no matter what Spragg says.

I was not to busy to graciously accept.
I put this thread up knowing 99.9% I wont be back there.... But because some asked I reached out. Its all good. I also put it up so there was no twisted version of the event. I've learned with Tommy and a few others there that you need to keep receipts. Never ask questions you don't have the answers to, and if you make an accusation you best come with evidence or you're the liar. I am confident that I did nothing wrong at PCF and I am also confident that he cannot show any evidence that I did or he would have stated it. I hold the opinion that he was jealous that someone started a similar site and that he was afraid that someone might come or maybe even a vendor and cut him out of his piece. or maybe get cut out of his piece of another beloved NAGB. who knows. If you have any of this Thomas lets see it. I'm waiting. Oh and where's the balance of my unused vendor fee and supporting plus fee. Who conned who?

He never explained the ACTUAL reason he banned me and when pressed he just added statements that I was a liar and a con man, that it was a shame to my career in Law enforcement that someone like me had that job. I have the emails. i keep receipts on those types of people. He also added that many users reported me for lying and conning them, not sure out of or about what but I welcome PUBLICLY any evidence that supports 1. the reports. 2. who reported them and/or whether there was any evidence of wrong doing or just a baseless claim. I was pissed at first and simply let it go then.

I think we all know that the reason was plain and simple and now the mere reference of me or the site, I now learned that even my site is banned at PCF, will bring his immediate usual dictator messages. He is free to operate his site as he pleases as am I here.

I appreciate every single member here, I wish there were more posts but I know how it is juggling social media sites, I'm here for the long haul and I'm sure it will grow and be just fine. It doesn't cost that much to provide a chipping site for the members of all aspects of the hobby so Its free here, I wont tell ask for money from anyone or tell you how expensive it is to provide the site because its not that expensive. I don't ask for vendor fees as its no additional cost to provide an area. I wont tell you that you have to pay me if you go harvest and sell your chips in the classifieds, its a free area and I charge no fees for it or demand any "cut". Lets be real, PCF was the only place other than ebay or the like and he didn't really have to curate it much as when your the only show in town that's how it is. You wont see any cross PMs from the admin here if you mention PCF.

See nothing happened.... PCF PCF PCF

Chipper is no competition to him. Its just different and its just free. Lets just have some fun. Nothing scary here,

Thanks Boys and girls.....

Given my last post there was never deleted and his reason to you or to whoever was we were colluding to incite an insurrection is all laughable.
I won’t change my stance on any of it.
Won’t ever log in or post there again.
Given my last post there was never deleted and his reason to you or to whoever was we were colluding to incite an insurrection is all laughable.
I won’t change my stance on any of it.
Won’t ever log in or post there again.
You mean like the shit lil Tommy started at CT. Blue??? 😂😂😂😂.
Is that Cumbia playing in the background?
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Hey Wait they "invited us in........" Really??
I put up a CCA section at birth of PCDC and created an Admin acct for them, and invited and offered sir, so, while you may not care for me personally, you shouldn't let that affect good policy on social media. I took it down because it went months unused with no contact while posts went up at other sites daily. Dare I assume at your direction?? PCDC mission is to unite sets and singles and now you want to take on that mission and credit yourself with it. When I asked you about this your answer was "We tried that, it didn't work it wont work". Look at you go now! Good job. :ROFLMAO: Unless you're basing that on when @Charles Kaplan rolled in to PCF and started threatening us all. Yes I wasn't banned or barred there at that time. Its a good thing he used a handle and denied he was @Charles Kaplan as I think the PCFers were gathering kindling.

Just try to be warm, welcoming and co operative with folks in our hobby. Its a changing. PCF and PCDC median age is less than 50 and we have thousands of members. Can you boast the same ? These are valid questions that never get addressed, not insults. I am a set collector and I've never "rubbished" a chip to try and affect its value. What does it do for a sets collector to try and devalue a single rare chip, he doesn't want one chip he wants a rack. Maybe one day your words will make sense, but today I have not seen that in the videos of YOUR creation. Let figure it out together, as much as you want to discredit me or dissuade me its too late for that. Just because tha Admin at PCF is pissy that I started a site doesn't mean the users there feel the same as you suggest. To think you said "And he cant even talk to them anymore is even more incredulous.... They're here to David in case you didn't notice, and you Mr. CCA president are NOT. Great steward of togetherness. Even @gaming ore (follis) signed up.

I intend to seek a nomination to run for the CCA board next cycle and hope others do also. Before its too late.

GOD BLESS THE CCA............ Lets make it about collecting again, not controlling a club that your letting die.

Yes this was geared toward David Spragg who doesn't have the decency to support one of the hobbies FREE resources. I wonder, do all those sets guys that you're begging to buy your chips consider your words about their collections, oh wait they're poker players not collectors. You say we buy sets from closed casinos, What do singles guys do, buy live chips? I have some rubbish in my collection. Yes I am a collector.

Here’s some of my rubbish. Hoard alert @Charles Kaplan or is it Jimmy?
Whos that speaking in the video? Real people person, oozing charisma.
Whos that speaking in the video? Real people person, oozing charisma.
Spragg, David Spragg

He's the guy in the center. On the left is Jim Follis and the right is Jay Sands.
I'm simultaneously shocked at what I just listened to and also not surprised at all. But it just sounds so much fucking dumber when it isn't typed out and is from somehow who I thought had a pulse on things. The disrespect to the person asking the question is just the cherry on top.
Can someone transcribe lol
Sheesh. The condescension in Spragg’s voice when he says “they’re not collectors, they’re poker players,” as if there’s literally zero overlap between the two camps. Asinine statements like that are a big part of the problem.
Sheesh. The condescension in Spragg’s voice when he says “they’re not collectors, they’re poker players,” as if there’s literally zero overlap between the two camps. Asinine statements like that are a big part of the problem.
Yeah. I'd be just as condescending about singles collectors. "Did you get a new chip today to put in your scrapbook?"
Chipping is fuckin wild.
Sheesh. The condescension in Spragg’s voice when he says “they’re not collectors, they’re poker players,” as if there’s literally zero overlap between the two camps. Asinine statements like that are a big part of the problem.
And literally saying on video tape in a business meeting open to the membership. Saying these things about the very guys he was begging for orders on their site!!! Talking about it being hard to keep the factory open if he doesn't get orders!!! And then hangs out in the thread answering all their questions about manufacturing! all the things he has said were "secret" he spills out! Typically he never went back and forth conversing on the forums, but when he needed something....... "Heeeeeeeers David!

The other thing I was amazed at in that thread where he was begging for orders was the contingent that was calling for their peers to rally together and get poor David an order!!! Literally mind boggling.