Welcome, detroitdad

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Thanks, as time permits I will surf the forum and see where I can contribute.
Contribute what, when and how you like. I like to think of Pokerchipper.com as a place of true transparency.
No clicks, no secret societies and no hierarchy.

Open discussions here, hell…..we won’t even ban @NotoriousBJ3 and he tried so hard to get the hammer. :ROFLMAO:
Contribute what, when and how you like. I like to think of Pokerchipper.com as a place of true transparency.
No clicks, no secret societies and no hierarchy.

Open discussions here, hell…..we won’t even ban @NotoriousBJ3 and he tried so hard to get the hammer. :ROFLMAO:
And you guys wonder after YEARS why new people still aren’t here and engaging.

How many “welcome here” threads can there be - and yet people never stay and never post. Mind boggling.

I was also throttled so that I couldn’t use the site for months. I have second hand accounts and video to prove it.

Congrats on your echo chamber. Awesome to see all the new things you guys have accomplished, the new conversations taking place, and the regularly posting chippers you have. Oh…..wait.
Oh my. I wasn’t expecting that response…. Oh wait……

As long as you pop in Jeff we’ll know our shortcomings. Thanks for pointing them out.

Your capper has brought me good cards and better booze.