Chipping and social media, What's your thoughts?

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The Chip Spa

Forum Admin
Just trying to gage the audience. I believe that sites like FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube should be used to drive the audience to the SNCCC or CCA etc. where the conversation can be had in dedicated areas of specific areas serves the hobby much better. Facebook and Instagram gets you one long somewhat unsearchable thread with many topics in it, versus separated threads or for lack of a better term rooms, like on PokerChipper, PCF, ChipBoard etc. I also believe that giving your resources to a company that is ultimately in charge of your data defeats the creativity of the membership. There is a lot of distraction on Facebook etc. to draw the viewer from your topic. There is also no control over moderation, if Facebook doesn't like what's there they remove it. If you say something elsewhere on Facebook or Insta and catch a suspension you loose access to ALL. I've been wrong before and this is only my opinion but specifically in the case of the CCA and SNCCC and the other clubs your own platform or partnering with a platform that aligns with or gives you control of your page or area is more suited to the interest of the hobby and all in it.

If buying and selling chips is the only interest then all the other platforms are fine as that can be done ANYWHERE and should be left to eBay (if you like fees), FB Marketplace or individual sites of chip sellers or places like PCF where it seems that's the focus more so than hobby related discussions.
Seems to me that while Buying and Selling is an area that is important on any platform, the hobby and the history of the items we collect should be the main focus.
heres one take

In today's digital age, social media platforms have become central hubs for connecting people with shared interests, including hobby-related clubs. These platforms offer convenience and accessibility, making it easier to gather like-minded enthusiasts. However, as with any tool, there are disadvantages to hosting a hobby-related club solely on social media. In this post, we will explore these drawbacks and discuss the benefits of owning a dedicated platform.

  1. Lack of Control: When a hobby-related club relies on social media platforms, it is subject to their rules, algorithms, and policies. Content may be restricted, removed, or deprioritized without warning, affecting the visibility of the club's posts and events. Additionally, the platform's layout and design cannot be tailored to suit the club's unique needs, leading to a lack of personalization and branding.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Social media platforms often collect vast amounts of user data, raising privacy concerns for club members. Some hobbyists may be hesitant to join a club hosted on a platform that tracks their activities and targets them with ads based on their interests. A dedicated platform allows for more control over user data and privacy policies, fostering a sense of security and trust among members.
  3. Distractions and Competition: Social media platforms are bustling with content from various sources, making it easy for hobby-related club updates to get lost amidst the noise. Club members may also face distractions from unrelated posts, notifications, and ads, diluting their engagement with the club's content. Owning a separate platform ensures undivided attention to the club's activities and discussions.
  4. Limited Customization and Functionality: Social media platforms are designed to cater to a broad audience, resulting in limited customization options and functionality for niche hobby clubs. Clubs with specialized needs may find themselves restricted by the platform's features, hindering their ability to deliver a rich and tailored experience to their members.
  5. Dependence on Platform Viability: Social media platforms are subject to trends and shifting popularity, and what may be popular today could become obsolete tomorrow. Relying solely on a social media platform puts the hobby-related club at the mercy of the platform's longevity. If the platform loses its user base or shuts down, the club could lose all its content and connections.
  6. Branding and Identity: Hosting a hobby-related club on social media can diminish its sense of identity and branding. Clubs need a unique online presence to stand out and attract new members. A dedicated platform offers the freedom to create a distinct brand identity, making the club more memorable and recognizable.
In conclusion, while social media platforms have their advantages, hosting a hobby-related club exclusively on these platforms comes with inherent disadvantages. To ensure more control, privacy, and customization, owning a dedicated platform is a wise choice. While building and maintaining a standalone platform may require more effort and resources, the benefits of fostering a thriving community and a stronger sense of identity far outweigh the downsides of social media reliance.
Threaded Topic Discussions on Topic-Focused Websites:
  1. Depth and Organization: Topic-focused websites often implement threaded discussions, where individual conversations are structured into threads related to specific sub-topics or questions. This allows users to dive deep into particular aspects of the main topic, leading to more comprehensive and focused discussions.
  2. Context and Clarity: In threaded discussions, each reply is connected to the original post or comment it responds to, providing better context and clarity. Users can easily follow the flow of the conversation, understanding how different points and opinions relate to each other within the broader topic.
  3. Expert Participation: Due to the organized and in-depth nature of threaded discussions, experts and knowledgeable individuals are more likely to participate. They appreciate the platform's specificity, which enables them to engage in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals or those seeking expertise on the subject matter.
  4. Reduced Noise: The threaded format helps reduce clutter and noise in discussions. Users can focus on the threads that interest them the most, rather than scrolling through a single long thread with diverse topics, as often seen on social media platforms.
  5. Longevity of Discussions: Threaded discussions tend to have a longer lifespan on topic-focused websites. Since the content is well-organized and easier to revisit, users can continue contributing to threads over an extended period, fostering ongoing and evolving conversations.
One-Page Thread on Facebook:
  1. Limited Depth: Facebook's one-page thread format can limit the depth of discussions. With a continuous stream of comments, it's challenging to maintain focused and in-depth conversations on specific aspects of a topic.
  2. Fragmented Conversations: On Facebook, comments can quickly become disorganized, especially on popular posts. Multiple users might engage in unrelated side discussions, making it difficult to follow coherent conversations.
  3. Superficial Interactions: Due to character limits and the fast-paced nature of social media, interactions on Facebook tend to be brief and superficial. Users may respond with short comments or reactions, lacking the depth seen in threaded discussions.
  4. Expert Engagement Challenges: The lack of organization and depth can deter subject matter experts from participating. They may find it difficult to engage meaningfully in discussions that lack structure and focus.
  5. Transient Nature: Facebook's feed moves quickly, pushing older posts and discussions down the timeline. As a result, meaningful discussions can get buried, making it challenging for users to revisit and continue them later.
In conclusion, threaded topic discussions on topic-focused websites provide a more specific, organized, and in-depth platform for engaging in discussions related to a particular subject. In contrast, the one-page thread format on Facebook offers a more casual, fragmented, and transient environment that may hinder the depth and longevity of conversations on complex topics.
I just signed up for the many facebook sites for chips and silver strikes and I don't find the depth or the...professionalism I find here or at the chipboard. Lots of people selling singles from current casinos, mixed in with a few who I recognize who are selling things at the top end of the range. I wish everybody well, and I hope that the person selling a $1 chip from the Linq is successful, as is the person selling an LE from the hardrock, but they don't offer me anything (although the Phil Jensen story, which also made its way to the cb, is gold...but is also as rare as gold is.