Requirements in For Sale/For Auction Listings

For Sale/Auction


  • Commercial selling is not permitted. You must become a site trusted vendor and be a verified user.
  • All ads will auto-close after 60 days. If the ad never gets any replies, it will be deleted 60 days after its creation date. Otherwise, 60 days from the last reply date. Please feel free to re-post your ad again.
  • Harvesting chips (i.e. taking live chips from a casino) to re-sell them for profit requires Vendor and verified user status.
  • Members are encouraged to use a payment method that offers buyer protection.

Classifieds Listing Rules

  • Raffles are not permitted.
  • All "For Sale" ads must have a price.
  • All "For Trade" ads must have a price unless stated "Not for sale" or items you will trade for.
  • No "Interest only" or "Not for sale yet" type ads.
  • Only poker and casino related items are permitted.
  • You may only bump your ad once per day.
  • Do not post links to ads on other sites.
  • Do not create ads for the sole purpose exchanging feedback.

Please Note:

The For Sale/Auction area is provided as a convenience to you, the user, only, and is not the mission of this site. This site is intended to be a place to discuss the Casino Item and Casino/Poker Chipping hobby. assumes no responsibility for any transactions conducted in this section and provides no warranty expressed or implied.
