Guidelines of Conduct (brief explanation)

General Posting

Be Polite

Do not post libelous, insulting, antagonistic, racist, discriminatory, aggressive, or otherwise abusive messages. If you have an issue with another member and cannot reply in a civilized and constructive way, you should ignore the user.


  • Users shall not post political messages or images.
  • Users shall not post any referral links/schemes, or blatant advertising.
  • Users shall not post about illegal or explicit topics or link to such sites.
  • Users shall not post For Sale, For Trade, or Wanted ads outside of the Sale/Auction section.
  • Requiring a member pay money, either directly or indirectly, to have a chance at winning a prize (i.e. "Raffles") is not allowed.
  • Users posting images taken from The Chip Guide must note that you got the image from there. (e.g., image courtesy of The Chip Guide)


  • Users shall not double-post or cross-post the same message in multiple threads or forums. Select the most relevant section to post your question in. Your message will be seen by many people wherever you post it.
  • Users shall not make meaningless posts or post and/or quote consecutive messages for the purpose of increasing their post count. There are edit and multi-quote buttons; please use them.
  • Avoid using ALL CAPS in thread titles or messages.
  • No Thread hijacking. In the case of member-to-member sales, whether in the form of a classified ad or auction for items being sold, users shall not post negative comments with regard to the member, the product offered, or the price listed. Such posting will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with the item or price, contact the seller via private message/conversation.

You May Only Have ONE Accounts

You May only have One Account

  • Users are permitted to have only one account.
  • We do not accept requests to delete accounts and will generally not do so except under very limited circumstances.
  • If you become banned (temporarily or permanent), do not create another account.
  • Any additional accounts will be banned and you forfeit any future consideration of being welcomed back.

Usernames, Avatars, Signatures, and Profiles

  • We do not accept requests to change usernames if you have more than 5 posts.
  • Usernames, avatars, signatures, and profiles must not contain political, explicit, or questionable images/messages.
  • Usernames, avatars, signatures, and profiles must not contain the branding, names, details, or contact information for any commercial enterprise with which they own, represent, or are affiliated. (excludes commercial or organization members classified as such)