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CCA VP Elections comments

The Chip Spa

Forum Admin
  • Nov 4, 2022
    Dear SNCCC Members,

    I met Jerry some years back and (at least to me) hit it off immediately. I saw Jerry's passion for chipping and his love of socialization, especially with those of us that have the same chipping sickness (I mean interest in the hobby).

    When I founded this casino collecting site I offered both the CCA and the SNCCC a free section on the site. The CCA showed little interest saying it wasn't the platform for them, they immediately began frequent posting at the Poker Chip Forum and left their page dormant here. I'm good with their choice as my sole motivation was to expose as many people to our hobby as we can. Jerry was enthusiastic, did some posting, asked many questions on how the site worked etc. He takes full advantage of his section and that was the intention. It is a win win, people see the site and the SNCCC gets some exposure to a growing community membership, both free of any charges for the club and anyone who wishes to join.

    I personally endorse Jerry's try at the vice president of the CCA. I believe he has the vision, the support and the drive to help forward the CCA and bring it into the future which even with recent developments seems to be struggling a bit in that area.

    Good luck Jerry

    Dan Madrigrano